My children, rejoice! Each of you is so very blessed. I pour out new gifts again this night, new strength, new courage, new hope, everything you need. ENJOY, MY PEOPLE! Be joyful. Be merciful to yourselves, My people everywhere and accept joy, live joy, be joy for the world. Amen. You are loved so mightily. Amen.
Message to Carol Ameche- October 1, 2002
Joyce Lang
Oct 3, 2002

10/01/02 External locution, Ameche prayer gathering through Carol

"Dear children of God, I am your Holy Spirit, My dear ones. I come this night to bring graces and strength, the strength of warriors, My children, for that's what you are and who you have become. You are called in these critical days by your God to pray, to combat evil, to combat the plans of Satan, the great enemy of your God and Holy Mother, your great enemy, dear people. And so it is as warriors that you spend so much of your time praying, practicing to be obedient to the Commander, practicing being at the disposal of the Commander and all of His plans and all of His needs for your time and for your energy. This night sees another escalation in Satan's plan, My dear ones; and so I tell you, new strength is given and new protection. I remind you again to say that prayer, to read that Scripture passage and *put on the armor of God and all that it means. This is so much more powerful than you realize, so much more necessary than you know, so important! for each moment of the coming days.

There is a build up in our requests and in the tension in the world and in the intensity of the words from Heaven. You cannot fail to have noticed this. Do not be frightened, but be moved to action by these emotions, these feelings, these reactions you are having. The world, My dear ones, My sweet little ones, is about to explode in different places, and then in many places and then all at once everywhere! You ARE prepared for this. Do not be frightened. Do not dwell on possibilities that 'might' happen. Do not, I tell you, dwell on headlines and sensationalism, for it is the silent and peaceful warrior who does the most good in combating evil in this particular battle. Pray for each other more, My people everywhere, in the spirit of unity, for it is this unity with which you must combat the strength and the wiles of Satan and his demons and all of his followers. It is in unity that you find your ! greatest strength; but also your healing, your comfort, your enrichment, your enjoyment, your encouragement, dear ones, for you will be encouraging and enabling each other all along the way. You must begin now to lay the proper foundation for the time when you come into a community and stay in community until Jesus returns. These are momentous and great acts and events that will occur in your future even beyond your ability to grasp in importance. So they are mentioned again and again to make you more familiar, more comfortable with the ideas of so much change in the world and in your personal lives, in the very environment in which you will live, in the way you will live. All of these things take prayer and practice and surrender, but of course I tell you again, YOU WILL DO EVERYTHING REQUESTED. YOU WILL BE ALL YOU WERE CREATED TO BE AND YOU ARE CLOSE, SO CLOSE TO SEEING YOUR SOULS AS YOUR GOD SEES THEM.

I know your hearts rejoice, as your Triune God rejoices and all of Heaven rejoices. Do not be frightened, little ones. Pray to Me for openness. Pray to Me for an acceptance of all that you will discover; for I tell you, in many instances YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. It will take you a moment to accept the reality, the truth that you will see; and so prepare yourselves, children, in every way you can. But most of all, pray for each other's preparedness, for it is in reaching out to others that you are prepared the most and in the best way. Remember these words. Ponder all the words you are receiving, dear ones. They are so important, every word for you at this time and in the very near future. It is difficult to believe, I know, after waiting for so long in such expectation, and in so many delays and disappointments. Trust, dear ones. Trust in the love and the mercy of your God. Trust in the words of Heaven, Our promises. Trust in Our need for you and of you. When you see them (all the people who come to us,) you will understand. There will be many, many, who come to you; and until then, you will be working and praying and reconciling your own sinfulness, your own thoughtlessness and carelessness and all of the things that make up being human. My children, rejoice! Each of you is so very blessed. I pour out new gifts again this night, new strength, new courage, new hope, everything you need. ENJOY, MY PEOPLE! Be joyful. Be merciful to yourselves, My people everywhere and accept joy, live joy, be joy for the world. Amen. You are loved so mightily. Amen."

Carol Ameche

*Ephesians 6: 10: 11-18. Finally brethern, be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; in all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God.) By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit, and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints.

Speaking Schedule Update:

Saturday, October 5th, Yorktown Virginia Library, Tabb Branch, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. p/c Mildred Benet 757-867-7051: Hiway 134 from Interstate 64. Talk & prayer.
Sunday, Oct. 6th Williamsburg, p/c Helen @ 757-258-4529
" "
Friday, October 18th , Downer's Grove, Illinois @ 6 p.m. p/c Diane @ 630-968-9867 Talk & prayer

Saturday, October 19th, FULL

Still have Sunday free if interested in having talk for your group. Call me! 480-990-8012.

Please note change in area code for Carol's phone and fax nos.

Carol Ameche and her husband, Don, have been members of Ste. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale, Az., since 1981. They have five adult children and 11 grandchildren.

For the past nine years Carol has been speaking in many parts of the country Bringing encouragement to prayer groups with messages of hope, joy and spiritual preparedness for an impending act of God's mercy to all of humanity: the illumination of our minds to the state or our souls, known as the "Mini-Judgment," or "Warning," which will precede the Second Coming of Jesus.

Carol has been receiving locutions since May of 1992. She has compiled three books of messages and chapters intended to be helpful during these End Times: "As We Wait in Joyful Hope", with a forward by Bishop Roman Danylak; "Do Whatever Love Requires", plus its supplement, co-authored with Harriet Hammons, and requested by Jesus to prepare His faithful for the times before and immediately following the Warning; and most recently, "Bands of Love" which Contains messages from 1996 through 1998, as well as practical suggestions for dealing with large scale emergency events and living in communities. These may be obtained from: Queenship Publishing Co. PO Box 42028 Santa Barbara, California 93140-2028

Toll Free ordering inside USA: 1-800-647-9882

Carol is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is a plane ticket and home in which to stay. You may contact her directly:

Carol Ameche 7814 E. Northland Scottsdale, AZ. 85251

Telephone 480-990-8012, and fax ... 480-990-3825

A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

"We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world. Without Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and forgive us, we pray. Amen."

Web Site for Carol: