Your country, My children, has not responded in any way according to the hopes and desires of the Father, except for the few faithful, such as yourselves, and those who gather everywhere in every corner of the world to offer prayers of praise and to beg for mercy...

Joyce Lang
Sep 29, 2002

Hi Joyce, we are having prayer at house Friday nite, Sunday and Tuesday this week in response to msg. of 24th. These msgs. are certainly for everyone who is praying in the world. Thanks again, xxxx, Carol.

9/27/02 External locution @ Ameche prayer gathering through Carol

"My dearest children, I am your Jesus with you this night, My little ones, My dear little obedient ones. Thank you for coming together. You know My love for My Mother. Whenever you gather in obedience to her requests, you fill My Heart with a joy that cannot be named, (joy) that cannot be described, that defies words; joy that fills My Heart with such gratitude. New blessings and gifts, new healing pours out from My Heart this night as a cup would overflow, so filled with gratitude would it be! My children, continue to pray for people everywhere, that they will increase their prayers. Continue to pray as you are this night.

Come together as often as you can. Throughout your day, consecrate whatever you are doing as a prayer of petition for mercy for your country, as a prayer for the conversion of all those taken into Eternity.

My children, do not dwell on destruction; but dwell on the Perfect Will of My Father, His perfect love for you, His desire to save and to bring into Paradise as many as possible. This will always be the intention and the reason for all of your intentions, for it is only goodness that is desired by your God. It is only love that pours forth from Love, and it is a response of love that is requested by Love. My children, it has been mentioned to you that these are golden opportunities for a greater unity with your God and your Holy Mother, all of the Angels and all the Saints and all of those, which is everyone in Heaven, who is praying now for your country. Your country, My children, has not responded in any way according to the hopes and desires of the Father, except for the few faithful, such as yourselves, and those who gather everywhere in every corner of the world to offer prayers of praise and to beg for mercy.

Pray for each other in these times, My dear, dear ones.
Pray in thanksgiving for each other. Pray in thanksgiving for those who need your help and your prayers, for these keep you where My Father desires you to be in His plan for you personally to become more and more the holy ones of God, the holy ones of this most critical and important Era. You will each be a rock for those around you, for you will not shudder or fall apart or embrace hysteria or chaos, and confusion will not flood you minds; and for this, of course, you will continue to praise My Father. And when all of these things, these emotions, a loss of self-control, attacks, so very many it will only be your strength, your backbone of steel, your core of trust that will reach out and embrace each one around you, and they too will succumb to the might of My Father's arm! My dear ones, We are with you: all of Heaven is with you, so united are you becoming, so entered more deeply into the great Communion of Saints. Give praise and thanks, My dear ones. You are truly blessed beyond your knowledge, and most certainly it is pure gift of My Father's mercy and His love and His gratitude for each of you. Amen, My dear ones, again I ask you to open to the love of your Triune God, that you might know that truly you are loved, appreciated, cherished. Amen, My little ones. I love you. My Mother sends her love and her gratitude. Amen."

Carol Ameche


Saturday, Oct. 5: Yorktown (Virginia) Library, Tabb Branch. (Hiway 134 from 64) 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. P/C Mildred Benet 757-867-7051 for directions. Sunday, Oct. 6: Williamsburg, Va. P/C Helen Maytag for information. 757-258-4529,

Friday, Oct. 18 Downers Grove, Illinois: 810 Valley View Dr., P/C Diane @ 630-968-9867 for directions and info. Saturday, Oct. 19, Evansville, Indiana...... FULL! Sunday, still available. call me at home: 480-990-8012.

Please note change in area code for Carol's phone and fax nos.

Carol Ameche and her husband, Don, have been members of Ste. Maria Goretti Parish in Scottsdale, Az., since 1981. They have five adult children and 11 grandchildren.

For the past nine years Carol has been speaking in many parts of the country Bringing encouragement to prayer groups with messages of hope, joy and spiritual preparedness for an impending act of God's mercy to all of humanity: the illumination of our minds to the state or our souls, known as the "Mini-Judgment," or "Warning," which will precede the Second Coming of Jesus.

Carol has been receiving locutions since May of 1992. She has compiled three books of messages and chapters intended to be helpful during these End Times: "As We Wait in Joyful Hope", with a forward by Bishop Roman Danylak; "Do Whatever Love Requires", plus its supplement, co-authored with Harriet Hammons, and requested by Jesus to prepare His faithful for the times before and immediately following the Warning; and most recently, "Bands of Love" which Contains messages from 1996 through 1998, as well as practical suggestions for dealing with large scale emergency events and living in communities. These may be obtained from: Queenship Publishing Co. PO Box 42028 Santa Barbara, California 93140-2028

Toll Free ordering inside USA: 1-800-647-9882

Carol is available to speak to your group if you wish to contact her. All she requires is a plane ticket and home in which to stay. You may contact her directly:

Carol Ameche 7814 E. Northland Scottsdale, AZ. 85251

Telephone 480-990-8012, and fax ... 480-990-3825

A new prayer was given by Our Lady on June 10, 1999 in Tulsa Okla.

"We praise you, Father, and beg Your Mercy on a sinful world. Without Your Kindness and Mercy, the world will not survive. Have pity on us, Father, and forgive us, we pray. Amen."

Web Site for Carol: