My children, you must return to God

Message from MARY, August 24, 2002 through Chris Courtis
Sep 5, 2002


August 24, 2002 through Chris Courtis, a visionary in Maryland, U.S.A.

(She wants me to tell you that, in her own words, regarding the miracle.)

“My dear little children, it is important that you al continue to pray The rosary everyday and in October I will perform a miracle so that everyone will believe. Continue to pray and in September I will tell you what the miracle will be.” (She says she will now give her message to the United States and the world. Her dress is becoming dark. Her dress is black. Her veil is black. Her rosary beads are black. She says,)

My dear little children, praise be Jesus.

My dear children, I come as Our Lady of Sorrows to ask you to amend your lives. My dear, dear children, you do not know what the Heavenly Father will send or what God will allow to happen. You are standing on the doorstep of a great and terrible war. Pray, pray, pray and amend your ways. Oh, my dear, dear children, how many tears must I shed for you until you amend your ways? I am suffering on your behalf. Oh, my beloved ones, when will you help me? When will you take away my pain and return to God? I stand here now as Our Lady of Sorrows, dressed all in black.

My children, you must return to God. You must realize that now you are on the doorstep of many changes. The United States is being asked to make a decision and so is the world. For true peace, for peace to reign, you must return back to God. You must fast and pray and you must surrender yourselves to the graces that my Son is giving to you at every Mass. Oh, my dear children, if there is not a return to God, a true return to God, not in words, but in heart, then many devastations will come upon you. There will be great famines in many places. Earthquakes will occur in diverse places and your continent will suffer one of the greatest droughts it has ever seen, and your country shall suffer one of the greatest earthquakes in the world that it has ever seen. Great loss of lives is coming upon you if my children do not listen and respond to the fruit of prayer and love. (She’s crying.)

My victory is obtained through my Immaculate Heart, and the United States Is consecrated to me under the Immaculate Conception, and I will prevail. But there are too few in numbers that do accept the messages that I am giving. Pray for your president, your pope, your bishops, your cardinals, your priests. Pray that the Church may endure the great trial that is coming upon it. I repeat to you my words from Heaven. After the death of John Paul II, there will be a great lament, and the Church will fall. I have come to lead my little ones to God, to His fatherly Sacred Heart and to my Son and to the union of love through my Immaculate Conception and through my Immaculate Heart. These will be your victory through the rosary.

I love you, dear children, and I cannot speak anymore, except I shall bless you and I shall say that I am praying for you. The sign that I come as Our Lady of Sorrows and dressed in black should be a grave sign to all those throughout the world that more dangers are coming and that this is a crucial time. Please, my dear children, listen and respond. I take your petitions into my heart, and I shall bless you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. As -more-I depart, please know that I bless everything here, everything on the altar,by the altar and under the altar. Everything you have with you, I am blessing. Pray for me, dear children. Pray for me (she’s crying )that my plan will be fully realized and come to pass as I love and pray for you. Thank you for your response To my call. Go in the great love and peace and mercy of God, our most loving Father. Ad Deum.

(Oh, she came back!)

You can comfort me, my dear children, by simply being my dear children and by learning to be my dear children. Do not fear. I will teach you, all of you, to become my dear children, to become my dear children. Now go in the great peace of God. Ad Deum

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Mary-Aug. 24”02