Corrected Copy of Message to Virginia Leach 9-20-2002
Sep 24, 2002

Corrected Copy of Message to Virginia Leach 9-20-


Message from God the Father to Virginia Leach Friday, September 20, 2002

While kneeling in Adoration Our Lord said, It pleases me to see you for it has been a while since we have visited. Prayer must be a priority in your life at this time. The world is so full of evil that without prayer you have no chance to survive.

Many months ago I spoke to you about the drastic changes in your weather. I told you forests would burn in one part of your country and floods would be seen in another. I also told you it would be cold in places that are usually warm, and warm weather would be felt in areas that should be cold. All has come to pass yet my children are still blinded to what lies before their very eyes.

The Blessed Mother and I have both prayed that things would change but they have not. My babies are still being aborted. Many of my children are living in sin for they are having sex outside of marriage or, in some instances, with the same sex partner thinking all is fine as long as it feels good and doesn’t hurt anyone. Well, I told you before and I tell you again, many of my children are paving their way to Hell. Employers are stealing from their employees while others are stealing just out of want and not out of need. The movies you allow your children to see are full of lust, greed, and filth and my children watch them because their parents are out partying with friends or gambling hundreds of dollars away.

The lifestyle my children are living in needs to be stopped and I, your Father, will do just that. Every place where sin is committed will be wiped off the face of the earth. The good will die with the bad. Many will ask why this is happening. My remnant will know and will be on their knees praying as I have asked.

I, your Father in heaven, will wait no more. My wrath is upon you. Prepared or not, the time of the chastisements has come and many nations will be annihilated.

I beg my faithful to continue to trust, have faith, and obey my commands. If you do this you will be instructed to my safe havens where my angels will lead you. For those who will not be asked to move, I will have my angels standing guard at your home so they will be protected. As I have said, be not afraid for I will not abandon my own. Be not afraid and continue to pray, pray, pray, as scripture unfolds before your eyes. Remember, I love you. Now go with my peace and with my love."
