Message to Virginia Leach- November 20, 2002
Joyce Lang
Nov 22, 2002

Message from Jesus to Virginia Leach Wednesday, November 20, 2002

My Dearest Little One,

I ask you and all my children this day to be with Me for I am always by your side guiding you, loving you, and leading you on the pathway to heaven. There My Father waits for each and every one of His children. Trust and have faith that in this evil time of your world My graces are being poured out according to your needs. Remember, I am your Lord, your Jesus of Mercy. I suffered and died for you so that you may have everlasting life. Be not afraid to walk the path I have laid out for you. The path that is different for each of My children. Just as each and every child of Mine was given a different name as their birth took place, so is the job I have laid out for My children different for each and every one of you. Remember, I see all and know all and I, your Jesus, have chosen for each of My faithful remnant the job that will serve My Father and Glorify Me, your Jesus, to the fullest.

As the year ends and the New Year begins, all of My children who have chosen to live with Me, your Jesus, as the center of your life will see many changes take place. These changes will take you to places yet to be seen. These changes will bring you to meet many who are suffering and in need of My love. Many graces will be given my little messengers to bring healing and peace to your brothers and sisters. The New Year will see many changes in both my faithful followers and all My children around the world.

Evil will be seen as never before experienced on earth as evil is spread, not just from the hand of Satan, but also from the hand of all his followers. The Hand of My Father will also be felt and no one’s life will be exempt. All will feel the effects of My Father’s Wrath.

Prayers are needed more than ever. So, I ask you once again to Pray, Pray, Pray not just for today, but everyday for My Father hears ALL prayer and prayer will lessen the severity and devastation that is about to be felt from nation to nation.

For love of your fellow brothers and sisters and for love of Me, your Jesus, I plead with you to Pray, Pray, Pray. I love you, go in My Peace.

Virginia is a 48-year-old nurse and has been receiving messages from Jesus and Blessed Mother since September 1999. She and her husband, Rick, live in Louisiana. Virginia has two grown sons and one grandson.