Message to Virginia Leach- November 21, 2002
Joyce Lang
Nov 25, 2002

Message to Virginia Leach Thursday, November 21, 2002

My Dearest Daughter,

How it pleases Me when friends come to visit Me on their night out. How wonderful it is to share in a relationship of two or more of My children knowing I am the common factor between them. Many blessings do I bestow on not only friends, but husbands and wives, as well as families, who come to visit with Me. The saying, “the family who prays together stays together” is so true. The family has been pulled apart by Satan and his many followers. There are very few families left in your world who do pray together and this is why your world is so messed up. I am Jesus, your Lord and Savior, and it brings much happiness when My brothers and sisters look upon Me as their Friend. It brings Me much happiness because Friends share everything -- the good times and the bad. When you look upon Me as your Friend, it is so much easier for Me to help you in your daily trials. This is because Friends have no barriers between them. I know many of My children may find it hard to look upon their Savior as their Friend but until I am your Friend, I cannot be the Love of your life. The First Commandment is to Love your Lord above all others. This commandment is hard to keep in your modern world where free sex, drugs, alcohol, TVs and computers are My children’s gods. Loving your God above all others is easy if you come to Me in humble faith and ask Me to be your Friend. Many of My children find it difficult to pray to Me and talk with Me. If you come to Me looking upon Me as your Friend, little by little I will change your heart filled with doubt. As your Friend, I will help you to have complete Faith and Trust in Me. I will help you realize I will always be by your side – both in good times and in bad. I will be with you because that is what Friends do. So go now My little children and remember I am your Jesus, your Lord and Savior, but I am also your Friend. I love you.


Virginia is a 48-year-old nurse and has been receiving messages from Jesus and Blessed Mother since September 1999. She and her husband, Rick, live in Louisiana. Virginia has two grown sons and one grandson.