Thursday, July 25, 2002:

     Prayer Group:

     Jesus said: "My people, this light bulb
invention is just one example of how man has utilized
electricity in many of your appliances.  Air
conditioners, refrigerators, heaters, washers and
dryers, and electric stoves all run on electricity
and save you much time as well as give you comfort.
You have grown so accustomed to these appliances,
that you only think about it when you have to repair
one or purchase a new one.  Be thankful to all of the
work of inventors and My help in bringing these
things to your use.  A time will come when your
lifestyles will change and you will not have these
devices to help you."

     Jesus said: "My people, there are some sports
enthusiasts who watch as many baseball games as
possible.  The discussions over salaries and a
possible strike give a little taste of greed that
seems associated with the stock market.  Many spend
time on sports and businessmen cheer when stocks are
doing well.  If there were a strike or a downturn in
the market, many lives are turned upside down.  Be
careful, My children, that you do not make sports or
wealth your gods because I am the only One to
worship.  When you depend on Me for everything, then
you will have no fear of the events of the world."

     Jesus said: "My people, you have seen several
asteroids and comets in your news lately.  You have
had several near misses in asteroids that were only
discovered after they passed by the earth.  Now your
news has caught your attention  with one asteroid
that may be on a collision course in seventeen
years.  I have told you that the vehicle of My Great
Chastisement is on its way.  Do not live in constant
fear, but live your lives in My service for as long
as you live.  You may even die this day, so have your
soul prepared by frequent Confession and you will
have no fear."

     Jesus said: "My people, every day the dawn comes
a curtain of darkness is lifted so you can have a new
opportunity to give glory to your Lord in your daily
actions.  Everything that you do is important in My
eyes and I look at your intentions in your heart.
Keep your heart open and holy for this is where all
of the thoughts are harbored that lead to your
actions.  A good clean heart will generate good
deeds, while an evil heart can produce evil deeds.
You have a free will to act for good or for evil, but
by prayer and grace you can be guided to heaven with
a good heart."

     Jesus said: "My people, many of your
environmentalists criticize these nuclear power
plants for dangerous radiation, but they still
provide energy without burning fossil fuels.  This
does not add greenhouse gases, but there is a small
pollution of heat from the cooling process.  Burning
gas and oil give off carbon dioxide from your cars
and your factory power plants.  In the next few years
man will have to adjust his pollution in order to
keep the earth from warming at a faster rate."

     Jesus said: "My people, many places of
manufacturing have cut back the number of employees
or they have closed altogether.  Jobs have been lost
that will never be replaced in some industries.  New
kinds of jobs are coming about, but man will have to
learn new skills and accept lower paying jobs with
fewer benefits.  Some of this exporting of jobs has
come from manufacturers seeking cheaper labor
overseas.  In striving for more profits, American
workers are suffering from loyalties to the dollar
instead of the people of America.  It is this greed
for money that will send more of America's wealth
overseas and there will be less for the average
American family.  See that your country is in decline
because it shadows your moral decline as well."

     Jesus said: "My people, when your body dies,
your soul comes to Me in judgment.  Some souls go
directly to hell and a very few go directly to
heaven.  This door in the vision is a door to
purgatory where all souls who enter there need
further purification in order to be perfected for
heaven.  This purging from burning and not being in
My presence is how souls suffer in purgatory.  Pray
for these souls because if you die before the
tribulation, you could be here also.  These souls
will one day be in heaven, but you can spare them
time and pain by your prayers.  Those, whom you help,
can then repay you in prayers later.  Every soul
released from purgatory creates a joy in heaven as
another saint is graduated."


Friday, July 26, 2002: (Sts. Ann and Joachim-Mary's

     Jesus said: "My people, this feast day of My
grandparents is a special day for all grandparents.
Those, who are grandparents, share the joy of their
children in each birth of a grandchild.  You have a
love and concern for your children and a special love
for the little ones as I have.  Your children still
need your spiritual nurturing in encouraging their
prayers and the sacraments.  Even more so you need to
look out for your grandchildren both spiritually and
physically.  Leaving your home open to a child or
grandchild in trouble can be comforting and even a
necessity for some without financial means.  You may
not approve of all of their actions, but they are
still your children and you need to be gracious even
in difficult times.  Pray for your children and your
grandchildren so I may hold them in the arms of My

     Jesus said: "My people, the attacks on My
Blessed Sacrament will be increasing until there will
be no tabernacle in the church at all.  Already many
churches have moved My tabernacle to a back room
where few visit Me and many do not even know where it
is.  The vision of an empty tabernacle indicates that
the Hosts will be consumed after Mass just as the
consecrated wine.  There will be more abuse of these
remaining Hosts for black masses and My faithful may
be called on to preserve the Hosts from being
desecrated.  With no Hosts being saved, the
tabernacles will soon disappear and very few will
even realize that it is gone.  Without My Hosts and
My tabernacle, many will have to go to underground
remnant churches or homes that will preserve My Host
for Adoration.  The final attack will be to change
the words of Consecration so My Real Presence will
not be there in invalid Masses.  The changes in My
Church will be occurring rapidly and eventually you
will only have spiritual communion and My Blessed
Mother's rosary.  Enjoy your opportunity to adore Me
and receive Me in Holy Communion because these
blessings will soon be taken away.  Pray for My
strength so My angels will help you endure this



Saturday, July 27, 2002:

     Jesus said: "My people, you have read in today's
Old Testament reading how the people committed all
manner of sin against Me and still came to the temple
thinking they would be saved.  This is why I was
angry with My people of Israel because they defiled
My temple while committing every sin that they
desired.  My people of today who sin and still come
to receive Me in Holy Communion are defiling My
Church and My Blessed Sacrament by their sin of
sacrilege.  I have given you My sacrament of
Reconciliation to come to Me in the priest and ask
for My forgiveness of your sins.  Those, who commit
serious mortal sins and still come to Communion, are
abominations in My sight and you are piling more sin
upon your previous sin.  If you do not have
contrition for your sins and continue your sins, you
are on the broad road to hell.  This water rushing in
to My Church is a sign to you how much My people need
to be cleansed of their sins.  If you do not change
your ways, then I will bring destruction on your
churches so you will no longer be able to defile Me."

     Jesus said: "My people, this spider web
represents the webs of Satan and the darkness
represents the evil of his work.  The first web of
Satan is the world wide web of the internet which has
good and bad, but enables abuse with gambling and
pornography.  The second web is Satan's control of
the one world people in the masons and other groups
based on the occult.  These people are the means to
control the money and governments.  A third web is
his web of sin through temptation that leads many to
follow their own pleasures and comforts instead of
the plan of God.  Satan is constantly stirring up
wars and all manner of killing as in abortions.  He
is seeking every means to destroy man through wars,
man-made diseases, homicides, suicides, and
euthanasia.  Abortion has killed the most even before
these little lives are born.  When you look at the
battle of good and evil, you see one side favoring
life and the evil side favoring death.  You are
dealing with these issues every day, so pray for
peace and for the conversion of sinners that are
rapped up with this culture of death."


Sunday, July 28, 2002:

     Jesus said: "My people, in sports games there is
a strong drive to win the game, even if it means a
risk of being injured.  This same competitive spirit
caries over into other aspects of life where having
material things is a measure of success over those
who have less.  Striving for new houses and new cars
becomes a goal in itself that can possess people even
without much financial means.  Man is attracted to
new things and comforts, but these all need to be put
into perspective in proper priorities.  Things are
accidental to your needs and decay and become
obsolete.  The soul lasts forever and it is the
soul's destination that is your first priority for
heaven.  That is why it is better to seek your
treasure in heaven than in earthly things that are
gone tomorrow.  The real competition should be
focused on doing good deeds for others rather than
seeking things only for yourself.  When you do things
for others without seeking repayment, then you will
truly store treasure in heaven.  Depend more on Me
for providing your food and shelter than on storing
up money for your own reserve.  Do not look to seek
fame in front of men, but seek to serve and please Me


Monday, July 29, 2002:

     Jesus said: "My people, this fan in the vision
represents how many people in your country will be
seeking some means to cool themselves from the hot,
humid summer.  Air currents will be such that you
will have an unusually warm summer  with stagnation
or inversion in various places.  This warmth will
continue into the fall as many of your weather
patterns will be changing.  Because of this added
warmth, your electricity problems will worsen,
droughts will cause more fires and water rationing,
and some people will be dying of heat strokes.  Your
weather disasters will continue to test your faith as
you must come to Me in prayer for relief.  Remember
that I told you that America would be brought to her
knees by these events."

     Jesus said: "My people, as you order your
affairs, I want you to look at My order of creation.
As you look at the plants, the order of their seeds
determines what characteristics each plant will
have.  A sunflower seed has in its order to grow only
a sunflower.  Look at the animals as they live by
their God-given instincts and follow behavior proper
to their specie.  In man I have given you reason and
freewill along with your instincts to survive.  You
understand by a properly formed conscience what is
good and what is bad.  Not only is there proper order
to My Commandments, but there is love as well.  When
you interact with Me and your neighbor as yourself,
you should act only out of love.  When you commit
sin, you are violating My plan for your behavior and
your sins are committed out of hate or selfishness.
You have freewill, but when you choose to violate My
laws, My justice demands that you will have to make
reparation for your evil acts.  You can come to Me in
Confession for forgiveness, but the priest will give
you a penance to perform  to help atone for your
sins.  So when you see abortions, fornication outside
of marriage, or birth control devices used, you know
these are serious sins against the order of life both
for your soul and those souls that you violate.  It
is bad enough when you  disobey My plan for your
life, but it is even a worse sin when you violate or
destroy the plan I have for another soul.  More
serious sin will demand more reparation.  By your
prayers and good deeds, you can help atone for these
serious sins.  Some, when they die, may still have to
continue making reparation in purgatory.  So follow
the order and the plan I have for your life and live
your life according to My law of love."


Tuesday, July 30, 2002:

     Jesus said: "My people, this candle offering
rack is a good reminder for you when you have special
prayer petitions for your friends and relatives.  As
you look at the burning candles, they do not burn for
very long.  They either get snuffed out early or they
burn to the end of the wax.  Your lives are a bit
like these candles, because your flame of life can be
snuffed out at any time or you may live a short time
longer.  Compared to eternity, your lives are very
short indeed.  Keep your lives focused on Me and make
the most use of your time on earth by serving Me.
This life is a preparation for heaven, so follow the
angels' example by giving Me constant praise and
glory.  Your daily prayers keep you in touch with My
love.  When you see how short some lives last, you
should realize how important it is to keep on the
path to heaven through loving Me and your neighbor as
yourself.  I call on you to be the good seed that
returns thirty, sixty, or a hundred fold."

     Jesus said: "My people, thirty years ago it was
common to see the nuns and priests always dressed in
their clerical garb.  Now, because of the attacks of
Satan, some nuns and priests are afraid to dress in
their clerics in public.  There is a crisis today in
people with their identity and trouble trying to
remain faithful to their vows in their vocations.
Those priests, that are having trouble with their
identity and are ashamed to wear their priestly garb,
are among those who are leaving the priesthood.  In
the same way nuns have given up wearing their habits
to be more a part of the world and many have lost
their vocation.  Married people are also falling
victim to divorce and some live together without
marriage.  To remain in your vocation, you must be
willing to take on the responsibilities that go with
a particular vocation.  By My sacraments of Holy
Orders and Matrimony, I am with each of you and I
give you My grace to strengthen you to remain
faithful to your vows.  Some have special reasons for
leaving their vocation, but My loving heart still
reaches out to all who are broken in spirit in any
way.  By coming to Me in prayer, I can mend any heart
in any relationship.  Do not despair in any condition
of life, but have faith and trust that I can heal
everyone both spiritually and physically."


Wednesday, July 31, 2002:

     Jesus said: "My people, some people may wish to
be a king so they can have servants and a very lush
living condition.  While some may desire the comforts
and pleasures of a king, they would not want his
responsibilities to his subjects.  Many times you
desire something that looks better than your
situation, but the remaining requirements may be too
demanding.  I have given everyone the skills to do
their own work, but you may be incapable of
performing another's tasks.  Another vision of
kingship is My own position in heaven as king of all
nations.  In My kingdom I do not only have subjects,
but you all are special to Me because I have created
you.  I love all of you so much that I was willing to
die for you on the cross in order to free you from
your sins.  If you are to be a king or ruler, you
must serve the rest and it may even require
suffering.  You, My people, are the beneficiaries of
My generous love because I will not leave you
orphans.  Call on My help to strengthen you through
life and to forgive your sins in Confession.  All
that I have, I give to you in My sacraments.  I ask
your love in return that you may give praise and
glory to your king in heaven."

     Jesus said: "My people, these visions of a
knight in England and the Statue of Liberty laying on
the ground represent the fall of America and the rise
to power of the European Union.  America will soon
destroy itself by its desire to fight constant wars,
its greed for money that will destroy your economy,
and the natural disasters that will bring major
devastation.  In the end America will see its
downfall at the hands of your own technology.  Evil
men will gradually control all buying and selling
through microchips.  The masons will control the
government and all sources of money.  Chips in the
hand will become mandatory and My faithful will be
protected at My refuges.  Evil and the occult will
also control Europe as they will prepare the way for
the Antichrist's takeover.  I will soon come to
conquer all evil on the earth as the Antichrist's
reign will be brief.  Trust in My ultimate victory as
My faithful will then enjoy their reward in My Era of
Peace and in heaven."


Thursday, August 1, 2002:

     Jesus said: "My people, the church that is dark
in the vision represents how My faithful at church
are becoming stifled and complacent about their
sins.  My priest sons are not doing their job if they
are not encouraging Confession and love of Me in My
Blessed Sacrament.  If no one is teaching My people
about the serious sins, then how are they to see the
reason for going to Confession.  The fact that so few
are going to Confession is a testimony to the
darkness in My churches where there is spiritual
blindness and lazy spirits in moving people to go to
Confession.  Most know when Confession is available,
but they are not moved to go or do they see a reason
to go.  Many sins of sacrilege are being committed by
those who are rationalizing their knowledge of what
serious sin is.  The lack of repentance throughout
America is due to so many people that are asleep in
their responsibilities to serve Me and know their
faith.  Those, who are living together and commit
fornication or homosexual acts, are committing mortal
sins and need Confession before worthily receiving Me
in Holy Communion.  Those having abortions or using
birth control other than the family planning method
also are committing serious sin.  Sins of lust,
anger, or stealing should be a wake-up call for
Confession.  Sin offends Me in any form, but people
need to see the reason for repentance of their sins.
When you continue in your sin and you continue to not
even be sorry for your sin, now you are seeing why
there is a vision of darkness in My churches.  Pray
for sinners to wake up, and pray for your pastors to
enlighten their flocks to the necessity for going to
Confession in confessing their sins."

 Sept. 14 Kingsville, Maryland
(John will speak with Carol Ameche)

Audrey 410-256-2020
Sept. 15 Olney, Maryland
Betty 301-253-2851
Sept. 29 Engelwood Cliff, New Jersey (near NY City)
Leticia 908-754-4033
Oct. 5-6 Columbus, Ohio
Zelda 614-777-8791
Oct. 12-13 Detroit, Michigan
Bunny 248-398-6880
Oct. 19-20 Cox's Creek, Kentucky
Sharon 502-349-1750