Message to Carlos Lopez- September 18, 2002
Joyce Lang
Sep 26, 2002

Message from Our Blessed Mother to Carlos Lopez September 18, 2002 St. Bruno’s Church, San Bruno, CA

Dear Children, Praised be Jesus!

I come this night to pray with you and for you. I come knowing that there are many of you who do not pray as before. The distractions of the world are great and they have pushed you out of the path of prayer. Children, what the world offers you is empty. The happiness of the world is simply passing. Only God can offer you True Happiness. The peace of the world is created by the world; that is why the world does not give peace.

There are many who pray only when worries and trials knock at the door of their lives and it only in this way that they begin to pray as never before.

When they pray and ask of God, they ask, but they ask poorly and without faith. And when God does not grant what they ask for, then they say that God does not listen to them.

Children, have faith. Faith is a grace. When you pray, pray and ask with faith and it will be given to you. When you doubt you are like the waves of the ocean that come and go, that go up and down and God cannot answer your petitions.

I ask you, children of mine, to pray, pray, pray. Return to prayer. Do not delight in the things of the world. The things of the world are transitory and those of God are eternal. Pray, because those who pray please God. Live with God. Pray without fear. When you pray in the way I come to ask you today, God is always very close to you.

Thank you for having accepted my message of this night. Pray as you have never done so before. Pray especially for peace in the world. I love you with a motherly love. If you knew how much I love you, you would die of happiness
I bless this night my beloved priests who helped me. May the peace of God be always with all of you. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.