Father Melvin Doucette

Palmer Road North, R.R. 2, Tignish,

Prince Edward Island C0B 2B0 Canada

Saturday, 18 May 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,

 Good morning on this sunny but cool Saturday! The rain has finally disappeared and we have the bright sun. Today is Pope John Paul's birthday. He is 82 years old. Let us pray for him that his health will allow him to continue to lead the Church for a while yet. After returning from the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in Alberton yesterday, I worked on my talks for Moodus, Connecticut. I will be giving a weekend there from June 21 to 23 on contemplative prayer and the messages of Our Lady, and I will celebrate a healing Mass on Saturday, June 22. In prayer this morning I was with Jesus and Our Blessed Mother.

Jesus spoke to me saying: "Melvin, I love you. It is Saturday and the eve of Pentecost, a great day to go and visit Our Mother." I agreed whole- heartedly and Jesus took me to Our Lady's home. She greeted us saying: "Welcome Jesus and Melvin. I love you both with all my heart. Come in and have a seat. Tomorrow is the great feast of Pentecost when we relive the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and upon all those gathered in the upper room, and I was there with them. What an unforgettable experience it was for all of us present! The Holy Spirit came to bring New Life and joy to all in that house that day. The Church that Jesus founded was born on that first Pentecost Day. Pentecost is always taking place in the world and it will go on till the end of time. Have you, my children, experienced Pentecost in your lives? Have you been filled with the Holy Spirit? I pray that you all receive the Holy Spirit tomorrow on the feast. May He fill you with love and joy, and may He fill the whole Church as well. He will renew you in His love. Your faith will be revived, and your love for Jesus and the Church will become strong. Live, my children, in the power of the Holy Spirit. He will prompt you to pray, to come and receive the sacraments, and to help those in need. He will also call you to repen- tance for your sins. Follow where He leads you. He will give you gifts and charisms; put them into practice for the Church. Pray on Pentecost Day for the outpouring of the Spirit upon the world. Pray, too, Melvin and all my sons and daughters, for my shrine that a beginning may come soon. I bless you all."

Our Lady has a wonderful relationship with the Holy Spirit as she is the spouse of the Holy Spirit. He overshadowed her at the Incarnation of Our Lord. She spoke this morning a little about the first Pentecost. She was present there in Jerusalem on that day. She wants all of us to be opened to the Spirit and to receive Him on the Feast of Pentecost. He can renew our lives and lead us to Jesus, Our Saviour. He is the God of holiness, and He will make us saints if we follow Him. Let us rejoice in the gifts He gives us, and let us use them for the Church. She calls us to pray, that all the people will be touched by the Holy Spirit. She also asks us to pray for her shrine she wants on the Island. May the New Pentecost begin today. I will celebrate the Holy Eucharist this evening at the parish here. I will ask the Lord during the Mass to renew you all in the Holy Spirit. May the Holy Spirit descend upon you all and may you live in the power of the Spirit every day.

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004

E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html

SPEAKING SCHEDULE: JUNE 21 - 23, 2002 CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER & MESSAGES OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER in her appearances to Father; and on Saturday evening Father will celebrate a HEALING MASS. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: MY FATHER's HOUSE, P.O. Box 22, North Moodus Road, Moodus, CT 06469 Telephone #: (860) 873-1581, Email address: Dolores@myfathershouse.com

FATHER DOUCETTE's 3 BOOKS and PICTURES of OUR LADY are STILL AVAILABLE. NEW(Order from Father only)- MY 30-DAY RETREAT: $6 each plus $4 postage For adults - THE ART OF CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER: $10 each plus $4 postage For youth - HEART TO HEART TALK WITH JESUS: $5 each plus $3 postage Photo 8X10 - OUR LADY OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: $5 each plus $3 postage MAIL YOUR ORDER & MAKE YOUR CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO: (Canada) Fr Melvin Doucette, Palmer Road North RR 2, Tignish, PE C0B 2B0 (USA) Mr John A. Gallant, 25 Valley View Road, Stratford, CT 06614-2440

NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT: pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca TO RECEIVE: Previous Messages, Press Release, Michael Brown's interview. UNSUBSCRIBE: Send email with "UNSUBSCRIBE - FR. DOUCETTE" in the Subject Send an email with "SUBSCRIBE-FR DOUCETTE-SPANISH" in the Subject box.