Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
Canada  C0B 2B0

Monday, 21 October 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Greetings on this dark and cold Monday morning! It is very cloudy so I
don't have much hope that the sun will come out today. However, He is
shining in our hearts.

I will go to the Manor this afternoon for the celebration of the Holy
Eucharist and we will pray for a dear friend of mine who was a resident
there who died yesterday. He loved to come to Mass every Monday although
he had suffered a stroke some years ago which left him unable to speak.
Cyril has now returned to the Lord. After Holy Mass I will go back to
Bloomfield to talk with the confirmation class of the parish about life
in the Missions. Yesterday was Mission Sunday so the class teacher asked
if I would come and speak to them about my experience in Africa.

I spent a very precious hour this morning with Jesus and God the Father.
At the beginning of my prayer Jesus spoke to me saying, "Melvin, you are
united to me in a special way by the priesthood. I love you. Let us go
this morning to visit our heavenly Father." Jesus took me to the throne
of God the Father. We climbed the huge staircase in front of His throne.
Arriving before Him I knelt down in adoration. Our Father spoke to us
saying, "Welcome Jesus and Melvin and come and sit beside me. Jesus, my
beloved Son, you are the Redeemer of the world and your perfect
sacrifice is always before me. Melvin, my priest son and Jesus' friend,
I love you. You come regularly to pray and to contemplate Jesus, your
Saviour, and to listen to Him. You also come to visit me with my Son,
Jesus. You make my words known to all those who read the messages. Too
few people make the effort to have a heart to heart talk with Jesus or
with me. The prayer of the heart is what you all, my sons and daughters,
should strive for. Ask for this gift and you will receive it. Jesus is
your friend and He wants a close relationship with you that can only
come through this intimate prayer. My children, it would be more
beneficial to you to watch less television and use that time to pray. He
or she who neglects prayer soon become cold to me and their faith
becomes very shallow. Melvin, continue to teach all the genuine way of
contemplative prayer. I bless you."

This period of contemplative prayer was the longest I ever did in the
morning. The time passed very fast as I was there in the presence of
Jesus and God the Father who spoke to me so lovingly. His call is to
pray especially to contemplate. It was through Jesus' help that I was
able to write the book, "The Art of Contemplative Prayer" which many
people have bought and read. The Father wants me to continue to teach
this prayer to all those who wish to learn. I've been to many places in
the Maritime Provinces of Canada and in the USA to give weekends on this
excellent way of praying. It is an easy prayer but at the same time it
is a deep prayer which brings us very close to Jesus. The Pope in his
latest Apostolic Letter about the Rosary speaks much about contemplative
prayer. He is in fact the greatest contemplative in the world today. Our
Heavenly Father would like us to watch less T.V. and spent at least some
of that time in prayer. Without prayer we remain far from the Lord and
our faith is not of much use. Some say that they cannot pray. Have they
ever ask the Lord for the gift of prayer? He is ready to give this gift
to anyone who asks.

May the Lord continue to bless you and to keep us close to Him.
Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
PILGRIMAGES:  http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html

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NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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