Father Melvin Doucette

Palmer Road North, R.R. 2, Tignish,

Prince Edward Island C0B 2B0 Canada

Friday, 24 May 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,

Greetings on this sunny but windy Friday morning! What a warm day we had yesterday! It must have been at least 20C and it was the first day I could go outside in a shirt with short sleeves. On this Friday morning I was with Jesus as He hung on the cross.

He spoke to me saying: "Melvin, my friend, come near to me. I am here hanging on the cross in great torment. I am dying for you and for all the people of the world. It is because of your sins that I am crucified and dying in great pain. I freely went to the cross because I love you and I want you all to be my dear brothers and sisters. In fact, you should be hanging on the cross because you have sinned but I took your place. I am paying the price for your sins. Will you now repent of all your sins? Will you return to me with a heart filled with sorrow and promise to follow me? Will you obey your Saviour and live with Him? My people, say no to the evil one and come home to me. Accept me as the Lord of your life who redeems you. You are destroying the world and your own destiny by continuing to offend me and my Father. Terrible destruction will soon come upon you if you do not change. Open your heart to receive me and begin to cooperate with my graces. You who are my friends remain bound to me. Increase your fervor and love for the one who is dying for you. Pray every day for the conversion of sinners. Time is short and there is much to do. My people, I offer my life for your salvation. As I die on the cross, I am sending you all the graces you need. I thirst for you all. I love you."

What sorrow filled my heart to be there with Jesus suffering in terrible agony on the cross. His pain from the wounds and His difficulty to breathe brought tears to my eyes. He, who is the Son of God underwent such torments for you and me; truly He shows a love that can only be divine. His great thirst for our love and our salvation warms my heart and is a call to me and to every person who wants to listen that Jesus wants what is best for us: our own salvation. He has done everything even accepting suffering and death for us. It is time to turn to Him, to accept Him as our Redeemer and to live for Him, to put Him first in our lives. Let us go on our knees and offer ourselves completely to Him to do with us as He sees fit. Let us acknowledge that we are sinners and ask for His forgiveness. Let us begin a new or more intense relationship with Him through prayer and service. I have to be in Summerside early next morning for a Women's Breakfast and to celebrate Holy Mass for this group. After that, I will go to Egmont Bay Parish for Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday. I hope to send you a message on Sunday afternoon after my return. May the Lord bless you all and give you an increase of faith, hope and love.

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004

E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca

WEB SITE: http://www.oocities.org/ourladyofpei/index.html

NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT: pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

TO RECEIVE: Previous Messages, Press Release, Michael Brown's interview.