Father Melvin Doucette
1704 Palmer Road North, R.R. 2
Tignish, Prince Edward Island
C0B 2B0  Canada

Monday, 30 September 2002


Dear Paul, Rita and Friends,
Good morning on this beautiful sunny day! I was at St. Anthony's Church,
Bloomfield for the weekend and I will be there again this weekend. I
thank you for praying for the Bishop of Charlottetown and for Wayne.
Please continue the novena for healing.

I was with Jesus this morning in my prayer. He spoke to me saying,
"Melvin, my close friend, I love you. I want you all fully alive. Many
people these days are only partially awake. They just bother with the
most necessary needs and forget all the rest. Some act as if they don't
know me. I call you all to wake up. Rouse yourself from your slumber and
come alive. Get out of your dull routine and taste the goodness I am
giving you. Admire the rising of the sun in the early morning and take
in the beauty of the setting sun in the evening. Go and listen to the
birds as they sing to you. Look at the trees as they raise their arms to
me. See the Autumn colours beginning to show in many parts of the world.
Contemplate nature and it will bring you to contemplate me, the author
of nature. Lift your hearts and minds to me, my brothers and sisters,
and you will know me afresh as your intimate friend and companion. Yes,
it is time to wake up from sleep and come into my presence and open your
heart to me. I will come and live in you and you will grow in love and
peace. Enjoy today with me and cooperate with all the graces I give you
for today. I am never far from you. Just recollect yourself and I am
there. You are a part of my family. I love you."

Jesus calls us today to wake up to Him. We live in a stupor as it were
divorced from the greatest reality in this world. The great reality is
God who is the Creator of the whole world and our Creator too. His mark
is everywhere and so often we do not recognize Him. He talks this
morning of the rising and setting sun, of the birds, the trees and the
Autumn colours. He has created all these things for us. All these things
should bring us to contemplation of His marvels and the contemplation of
His face. No wonder He calls us to wake up and see and admire Him who
gives us all these beautiful things in nature. He wants us to live for
today for we receive the graces needed just for today. He is always near
us but so often we are far from Him dreaming about something. Let us
wake up and recollect ourselves and Jesus will be there with us.

I will celebrate the Holy Eucharist at the Manor this afternoon with all
my dear friends there. My mother will surely be there now that she is
cured. Thank you again for all your prayers for her. Tomorrow we begin
the month of October, the month of the rosary. Pray the rosary every
day. It is a great meditation on the mysteries of Our Lord as found in
the Bible. Let us especially pray the rosary for peace in the world.

May the Lord's call to wake up bring us close to Him.

Father Melvin

TEL: (902) 882-2004
E-MAIL: melvin.doucette@pei.sympatico.ca
PILGRIMAGE: http://www.giftstor.org/FrDoucettePilgrimage.html

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NOTE: FOR FOLLOWING SEND AN EMAIL TO 'RITA' AT:  pdoucet@nb.sympatico.ca

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