Messasges To The 2 Patricks, Part 2 - Oct. 1 - 5, 2002
Joyce Lang
Dec 3, 2002

Messasges To The 2 Patricks, Part 2 - Oct. 1 - 5, 2002

Walk With The Truth, Part 2 (Messages of Love)

Tuesday 1 October 2002 - Feast of Saint Therese


Jesus, it is good to be back with You. I pray, Jesus, that You will help me to overcome the struggles of self.


If you do not fight, My son, then your enemy will overcome you. The more you fight against the temptations of this world, the stronger you will become, the more My Graces will be able to penetrate. This is dying to self. When one dies to oneself, one becomes spiritually strong and so is able to do My Work. This is what My children do not realise. The more you fight against these spirits, the more tempters will come against you, and the stronger you will become, the more you defeat them. It will come to the stage when you will rely totally upon My Strength. Remember, when I was upon this earth, I too, went through the temptations of this world. It tells of this in My Scriptures. I have also spoken of this within My Life Story, ‘Song of the Carpenter.’ You do not have to worry about this world. When self begins to die and fall away, the worries of this world also fall away, little seems to matter. You become aware of My Presence within all things and the soul is content in the Presence of its God. This is the Peace that surpasses all understanding; it cannot be explained by human thinking, for it is spirit.

Begin to understand this and the path shall become simple and easy to follow. The one who tries to follow in My Footsteps without dying to self, that soul becomes blinded, disorientated, and can, many times, wander far from the path that leads to Me. The soul cannot take short cuts to My Father's Kingdom. It must have a willingness to follow in the Ways of its God. Many times you will hear My children coming up with strange prophecies or inspirations that, they claim, are from Me. These, many times, can be inspirations or prophecies from the evil one. This is why I have told you, within My Scriptures, the spirit must be tested.

My Ways are Love, the evil one's ways are trickery and lies. The soul must always be aware of its weaknesses, it must always be aware of its nothingness in order to overcome these obstacles. It is only through dying to its own desires it will overcome the cunning ploys of the evil one. The soul can test the spirit by looking at what its own desires are and then looking at what it says within My Scriptures and the Laws of My Church, for remember, My Holy Spirit will not go against these.
If one’s own desires determine a need for the inspiration or prophecy, then it must be careful not to be taken in by need, which can be termed as ‘greed.’ Greed covers a great deal of desires. Greed for the things of this earth, greed for the things of the spiritual, greed for love. Greed is a dangerous and cunning spirit who has been responsible for the downfall of many of My children. Look at My Teachings, children, and see the Truth. I come in these Teachings to make the path simple for you and to guide you through these troubled times. If you saw this earth through spiritual eyes, your hearts would break with grief. There are many packs of spirits who roam like wild dogs, seeking to ravage My children. They watch for every opportunity to attack, they are merciless hunters. They have no compassion, children, their only desire is to fill the soul with lies, so the soul becomes blinded and is easily led further into the darkness of sin and ultimately to the fires of hell. My children, My Love for you is great. I cannot deceive you for My Ways are Truth, they are Light. I tell you these things so that you will not be deceived and will come with Me to Eternal Life. Love, My children, is your need; humility is Love, be humble in all things. Do not seek the things of this earth; do not seek the popularity of this earth for they will gain you nothing but eternal death. I Love you, My children, and I say, come follow Me. I Love you.

Son of Mine, I say do not fear to answer My calls for there are many blocks that try to guide you away from My Will. I have called you in this time to take My Words and deliver them to My children. These Words are necessary as I have told you, for the darkness builds and these Words are Lights to guide My people.

If you and your brother do not respond to My calls, then My children are starved of My Gift. Remember, and I say it again, remember, the Gifts that I have given are not yours but they have been given to My people. You and your brother are but the guardians of these Gifts. If you look upon them as being your gifts, then they will become tainted with self and you shall misguide My people.

It is good that you come to Me for these Words are also your Teachings. As I have said, I will teach you in many ways. Do not be afraid to be taught, for My Love is with you. Guide My people upon the right path into My Heart, My Kingdom, My Love. I Love you.

Wednesday 2 October 2002 - Feast of the Guardian Angels


Jesus, would You like to speak this day?


Yes, My son, this day I mean to talk to My children of My Love, My Forgiveness and My Truth. Do not seek to know the Ways of Truth if there is not a willingness within your heart to die to self. Children, you cannot follow Me if you are not willing to give up your lives for it is only in the death of self that true Love can be found. There are many of you who follow Me but you only follow Me with words and empty promises. You must look to the Truth, My children, so that your hearts may be filled with true joy.

My children, I watch many of you gather in your prayer meetings. You pray to Me for the lives of My children but then, you sit and condemn others within your hearts and within your spoken word. Gossip is not a part of Me, children.

Truth is My Way, children. If you do not have Truth within your heart then Truth will not be seen within your lives. My Love is not a game, children, it is not something to be played with. Truth is My Way. You cannot have Truth in your heart if you are not willing to smash down the walls of self. Self is your greatest enemy at this time of getting to know Me, of beginning to travel the road that leads to the extinguishing of self.

My little ones, the one who sets out upon this journey must realise that it is fraught with many dangers. Self will rebel at every step taken upon this journey. Self will cling on, for it does not want to die to the things of this world.

Begin to realise, My children, that My Love is not a game. It is a very serious path that leads to My Father’s Kingdom. The more you begin to realise this, the more you will die to yourself. Enough time has been wasted in your foolish ways of saying that you follow Me when you do not, for very few are willing to take up their cross and follow Me. There are very few who are willing to Love. My children, it is time to see the Truth for there is no time left for you to hide beneath your unwillingness.

Thursday 3 October 2002 - Eve of the Feast of Saint Francis


Jesus, I have been looking through the notes of a Bible programme that we purchased for the computer. The overview notes speak about the theories written by the Bible scholars; their beliefs and their presumptions. These Bible scholars seem to have to ripped Your Scriptures apart, they do not believe that any of Your Apostles had anything to do with the writing of the Gospels. As I have read through these, I am SHOCKED as I read their theories.

Going by their theories, it seems to me that they believe Your Scriptures are false. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Your Apostles had nothing to do with the writing of the Gospels, in their opinion. Here are the overviews of the Gospels.

Matthew Overview

According to tradition, the Gospel of Matthew was written by the Apostle Matthew but the author tells us nothing directly about himself. He used the Gospel of Mark as a source. He also used other material including a large number of sayings of Jesus that also appear in the Gospel of Luke.

Many scholars think the similarities between Matthew and Luke can best be explained by their authors' use of a common source, a collection of sayings of Jesus that is now lost. They call this collection Q, from the German Quelle, meaning ‘source’. Most scholars agree that, in its present form, Matthew was written in the last quarter of the first century, perhaps in the eighties,

Mark Overview

Although the Gospel of Mark appears second in order in the New Testament, almost all scholars today agree that is was the first of the four Gospels to be written. The author is traditionally identified with the John Mark who was the nephew of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10) and a companion of Paul (Acts 12:25, 15:37-40; Philemon 24) and of Peter (1 Peter 5:13).

In writing his Gospel, Mark is said to have used traditions received from Peter. Many modern scholars think this Gospel was probably written soon after the death of Peter in A.D. 64 or 65, so Peter's followers could preserve the things Peter had told them about Jesus. There is disagreement about whether it was written shortly before, or shortly after, the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70. The Gospel of Mark presents a brief, relatively straightforward account of the career of Jesus. It seems less influenced by interpretation than the other three Gospels but don't forget that it was written a generation after the Crucifixion, so the Christian community had had plenty of time to think over the meaning of Jesus. This Gospel was written in colloquial Greek. It was apparently designed to instruct ordinary Christian readers or hearers, mostly of Gentile background, about Jesus. Mark doesn't share Matthew's special interest in Jewish tradition, Luke's in historical writing, or John's in sophisticated theology. An important theme that runs through Mark is the failure of everyone - the crowds, the Jewish authorities, and even his family and his own followers - to comprehend that Jesus is the Christ. The so-called Messianic secret of Jesus' true identity is understood only after he dies (15:39).

Luke Overview

The Gospel of Luke is the first part of a two-part work. The second part is the Acts of the Apostles. In the Gospel the author tells the story of Jesus; in Acts, the story of the early Christians. Traditionally the author is identified with the physician Luke who was a companion of Paul (Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:11, Philemon 24). Some scholars doubt the identification, because they believe that the picture of Paul in Acts is inconsistent with what we know about him from his own Epistles. Experts say the Greek style of Luke and Acts is better than that of Matthew, Mark, or John - better, in fact, than any other Greek in the New Testament except that of the Epistle to the Hebrews. Greek was probably the author's first language. He was quite possibly a Gentile and he probably wrote for a Gentile Christian audience. Most modern scholars think this Gospel was written in the Seventies or Eighties of the first century, perhaps between eighty and eighty five.

The author apparently used Mark as one of his sources, as well as a now lost collection of sayings of Jesus known as Q. Some scholars think the author wrote a first draft of his Gospel (Proto-Luke) and later expanded it to produce the Gospel we now have. Upholders of this theory think the material from Mark was added at the time of the revision.

A number of features distinguish Luke from the other Gospels. The author is interested in setting the career of Jesus into the context of the history of the Roman Empire. Thus he places the Birth of Jesus in the reign of Augustus (2:1) and the beginning of John the Baptist's preaching in the fifteenth year of Tiberius (3:1-2). The author displays more interest than other Gospel writers in persons to whom his society showed little respect, especially women and the poor. Material found only in Luke includes some of the most striking New Testament passages on the value of compassion and human kindness for example, the parables of the good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son.

John Overview

Most scholars agree that John was written later than the other Gospels, around A.D. one hundred. Tradition ascribes it to the Apostle John, son of Zebedee, and identifies him with the "disciple whom Jesus loved" referred to in the Gospel. The Gospel itself says that it owes its authority to that disciple's testimony (21:24). Many modern scholars think the Gospel does represent a preaching and teaching tradition, probably going back to the Apostle John, but that it was written, and perhaps rewritten, by his followers. The three Epistles of John were written either by the same person who wrote the Gospel or by someone writing in the same tradition. Certainly the language of 1 John closely resembles that of the Gospel.

The fourth Gospel is organized differently from the synoptics. The synoptics describe Jesus as first teaching in Galilee, then making a journey to Jerusalem at the end of his life. John reports several journeys between Galilee and Jerusalem. Many miracle stories and parables found in the synoptics don't appear in John, nor does the Lord's Prayer or the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. On the other hand, many familiar stories about Jesus such as the meeting with the Samaritan woman, the forgiving of the woman taken in adultery, and the raising of Lazarus appear only in John. In the discourses reported in this Gospel, Jesus describes himself in powerful metaphors. He calls himself the "Good Shepherd," the "Bread of Life," the "True Vine," the "Resurrection and the Life," the "Light of the World." A central concern of this Gospel is who and what Jesus is.


As you can see they believe in many different authors to the Gospels, and that they were basically written on hearsay. We, as Christians, are supposed to believe that these are the Words given by the Holy Spirit to the Apostles to be written down, the Good News that Jesus wants all mankind to know and hear and live. But the scholars have their own theories. As Jesus told us last week in a Message, they think they are ‘but pieces of parchment to be analysed’. Reading over these writings, I can definitely now see what You mean, Jesus. I have heard people talk about these things, I have seen bits of writing that take away from the Gospels but this is totally incredible. They go as far as to say they were written from about thirty years to one hundred years after Your Death. How can these men and women who theorise over Your Words be so blind? How can they not see that they are the learned and wise that You speak of?

You said, ‘I thank You, Father, for not revealing it to the learned and wise but to mere children’. These men and women, in their reading and studying of the Gospels, in fact the entire Scriptures, how can they not see these Words that You have spoken? How can they not understand what they are doing? I find it so incredible, I know and believe Your Gospels, Your entire Scriptures are Truth. But, Jesus, just in case I am wrong, did Your Disciples Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, write the Gospels?


Yes, My son, My Gospels were written by those who followed Me. They were not written as these scholars would make out. They are blind and foolish children! They are taken up with their own self importance and cannot see the Words that they read. They can only see their theories. My servant, Mark, wrote these Words in the time of My Love, I inspired him to take up his pen and write. My Love was within him and the Words he wrote by his own hand. My servant, Matthew, also wrote the Gospel according to My Teachings, they are Truth. My servant, Luke, also wrote My Words with help from some scribes. He spoke the Words, they wrote them down but it was he who was responsible for the Words of this Gospel. I inspired him with what he was to put upon the parchment. My servant, John, also wrote. He spent many days and weeks writing for Me throughout his life.
Many of these writings have never been discovered but I hold them safe. Soon, I shall reveal them. Soon mankind will realise what he has done. The Words of My Scriptures are Truth. The scholars, theologians and doctors of this time, cannot see or understand the Truth of My Words. They theorise in their wisdom what might have happened. They look at the handwriting and believe they can understand. Fools! My Truth cannot be explained away, My Truth is alive. I Love you.

Saturday 5 October 2002


Many scholars think the similarities between Matthew and Luke can best be explained by their authors' use of a common source, a collection of sayings of Jesus that is now lost. They call this collection Q, from the German Quelle, meaning source. Most scholars agree that, in its present form, Matthew was written in the last quarter of the first century, perhaps in the Eighties. Jesus, when I look at this bit of text, I wonder is this really how arrogant man has become. It says “many scholars think” and the emphasis is on; think. They think that they know the Truth of Your Scriptures. They say ‘I think’, yet we can see in our churches their thinking is being preached off the altars. They talk about the Miracles of Jesus, they say, ‘I think that He did not create a miracle. For instance, the miracle of the loaves and fishes, I think He only taught the people to share their food, which they had with them.’ Yet, we can read in Scripture:

36 "Send them away, that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread; for they have nothing to eat." 37 But He answered and said to them, “You give them something to eat." And they said to Him, “Shall we go and buy two hundred denarii worth of bread and give them something to eat?” 38 But He said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.” And when they found out they said, “Five, and two fish.” 39 Then He commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass.
40 So they sat down in ranks, in hundreds and in fifties. 41 And when He had taken the five loaves and the two fish, He looked up to Heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and the two fish He divided among them all. 42 So they all ate and were filled. 43 And they took up twelve baskets full of fragments and of the fish. 44 Now those who had eaten the loaves were about five thousand men. Mark 6: 36 - 44

As we can read in this passage of Scripture, it says the people had nothing to eat. The Disciples wanted to send them away so that they could buy something to eat.
The scholars say, that Jesus only taught them how to share; that this was a loving act of Teaching, getting everyone to think about their brothers and sisters before themselves. I cannot understand how they come to this conclusion. It is very baffling when it states, quite clearly, that people had nothing to eat. The scholars, doctors and theologians of the Church??? They are nothing but infiltrators disguised as learned men and women of the Church. As we can read in this next piece of Scripture, they are blind and the people who listen to them are also blind for they only try to destroy what God has built!

39 And He spoke a parable to them: “Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch?”40 “A disciple is not above his teacher but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:
39 - 40

If we look at this piece of Scripture, it says that, all those who are supposed to be our teachers, those who learned the most, they have lost the real Truth. Jesus, I know You said Your Word would never change, it is the same yesterday, today and forever. So that leaves the question; where do these so-called scholars get their thinking from? Whose wisdom is it? Is it Gods, or is it the evil one’s? It would make you think. If this was brought into a court of law, and the evidence that we see here was put before the judge, what would his judgment be? With this evidence that we see, could there be any other judgment, but ‘guilty as charged?’ It would not be so bad if these people were non-Christians and said that they did not believe in the Bible. But these are Christians who speak these words! But the Christian faith is based on the Bible. It is the centre of all our beliefs; everything that we believe in is taken from the Scriptures: the Sacraments, the Truth, the Love, the Blessed Sacrament, the Mother of God, it all comes from the Scriptures. Jesus, what is happening?


These children are preparing the path of the evil one. In their intelligence, they are very easily blinded. They cannot see, or will not see, My Truth. The evil one must enter this world on a path of lies and this is what these children lay down for him. They are corrupted by their own pride. They can see nothing but their own wisdom.

Remember, My son, when I spoke to you of self righteousness? When they look at what they have done, they justify their work, with the evidence they have accumulated. They have clouded their minds with the reading into things that are not there. Their senses have been paralysed by the inspirations of the evil one. If he can destroy My Word, then My children can no longer see My Truth and become easily confused. This is what is happening in these times. My children hear much from the teachers within My Church. They no longer know what to believe, and have become confused, and are easily led away. If these teachers can take away the power of My Miracles, then they can remove Me as God for all will begin to see Me as a mere person. Look around you, My son. Can you not see these changes taking place within My Church? They have removed Me from the Central Place on My altars. In so doing, they hope to take away My Kingship, My Godhead. Everything that I am is being destroyed; Me in My Eucharist, My Sacraments, My Word, My Forgiveness, My Love, all is being destroyed in preparation for who is to come. These learned people have been placed within My Body for the purpose of destruction and confusion. I allow them their time but soon it will come to an end. Soon, they will realise how they were fooled, how blind they have been. My Love is not a game, it cannot be destroyed. Be assured of this, My son.

My children, I Love you and I say do not listen to those who would preach falsely about Me and My Ways for they are not of Me. If you listen to them, you too shall become tainted with their lies, you shall become confused and no longer see the true path. This is My Warning to you! Take heed, children, for you live in dangerous times. I Love you