Prayer Group Rosary .

Wednesdays 7:00 P.m. . Sundays 3:00 P.m.

Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto (Behind Hospital) Pana, Il

Message from Heaven Sharon Fitzpatrick-locutionist

Sunday, May 26, 2002

My Dear Dear Precious Little Children,

I Greet You with a Tremendous Joy and with Peace. I Pray with You, But I Pray this Day Especially for You. As You Pray and Give over to God the Concerns of the Day, You Make True Effort to Seek Reparation For Your Sins Which Will Bring You into Purity of Soul and Peace. It Is from the Hearts of My Beloved Priest-sons That You Receive Absolution and Their Gift to You Should Remain in Your Hearts. Let You Recall How Important it Is to Remain Beautiful Before the Lord And Cleansing Your Souls with the Saving Grace of Confession Is the Way this Is Accomplished. The Day Is Beautiful and Though the World Continues on It's Chaotic Path You Have Decided for God and Have Given the Day over to Prayer And Rest. Let the World Take Care of It's Worldly Pleasures, as You Take Care of Your Spiritual Needs. The Day Is Close at Hand, When Those for Whom You Pray Will Turn from Their Worldly Things Seeking The Peace, Love and Mercy of God. My Heart Extends a Special Greeting to My Little Priest-sons Who Give So Unselfishly That You Are Blessed. Do Not Take for Granted Their Generosity, but Instead Pray Even More Earnestly for Them and All of Their Brothers. Holy Priests Are Within the Church and They Shall Protect and Guard the Holy Eucharist Even unto Death. These Holy Men Will Find You and it Will Be My Little Ones That Guard and Protect Them. With a Joy-filled Heart I Implore from You, My Little Sons, a Blessing for My Little Children. Search Your Hearts and Then Knowing They Have the Truth, Give to Them the Blessing of Christ Which Can Be Given Only by You, My Beloved and Holy Priests. Then Let All of You Give Praise and Thanks. God Is Very Generous to You. Knowing This, My Little Ones, Have No Fear or Anxiety, I Assure You,that You Are in His Sacred Heart. Praise Be to You Most Blessed Trinity - Now and Forever.

Info. Sharon Fitzpatrick-Locutionist for "Message From Heaven" and rosary group. The Pana Rosary group formed in June 1988. While on a group trip to Lubbock Texas, Sharon got her first message. Sharon is a lady in her 50's and the mother of 8 children. She started receiving words from the Blessed Mother in 1988. At first she would hear only a few words each time. Then the words became more of a message. She would hear these words while praying the rosary or in adoration. The group pray the 15 decades of the rosary, plus the Divine Mercy Chaplet as well as other prayers given to them by the Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother comes to them most always during the "visitation" mystery of the rosary.

Sharon's husband, Fred, is in full support of her work for Our Blessed Mother. The Blessed Mother has kept the group unknown to the world in order to prepare them for the work that, The Father, has chosen for them.. Then around 1994, the Blessed Mother started gathering other groups and individuals together with them to form "the unity". The Blessed Mother calls this "the remnant, spoken of in the scriptures" and has told us she will be with us until, the new heavens and the new earth. She also has told us that she now has her children united from north to south, from east to west, around the world. She said that all who come to the grotto, come at Her invitation. The group pray faithfully, every Wednesday evening and Sunday afternoon and are usually at the grotto each night of a novena. Rain, sun, snow, they pray, they pray.