A great war is about to cover the earth and will involve EVERY country. It will be a war like never seen before... Return to Me, TODAY, before signs worsen, before you lose your soul


Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Please cover me with  Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " My mother told you at Fatima that another and worse war would cover the earth IF her children did not change and turn from sin. She told you that fashions would become sinful thus offending your God.  She asked all to pray.  We in Heaven sent a miracle.  Today very, very few believe this message.  All has and will happen as Mary stated.

A great war is about to cover the earth and will involve EVERY country. It will be a war like never seen before for today man has chemical, atom, nuclear bombs and ways to aim DIRECTLY to any chosen target on earth.  Man has devised ways to kill, destruct, maim and annihilate all creatures, all creation.  Man has much to answer for AND HE WILL ANSWER!!!

Chemical, disease, insect and germ warfare is already a reality.  It is happening NOW, in your very area where you live.  No living thing can or will  escape its sickly or deadly effects.

Heaven is sending floods, droughts, high winds, snow, hail and sleet, killing heat and, in places, cold.  Lightning is striking, fires are raging out of control.  There is great hunger in all countries; starvation due to both man's sinful acts and God's just acts.

I wish for the return of all people to Me.  Accept My Divine Mercy, My Love.  Return to Me, TODAY, before signs worsen, before you lose your soul.
Listen to the warnings Heaven is sending you.  Obey Me.  Obey the words of Mary.

My children, all has begun and will daily worsen.  If you have not faith in  Me you will not have strength to go forth with Me.  The power of evil, Satan  and all evil spirits, will soon possess your minds, hearts and acts. Sin  will seem right for already many do not believe in God, Heaven, the Devil or  Hell.

Look and see: have you ever in history seen so much turmoil on earth, so much disaster, so much illness, so much suffering, so much death?  This is only the beginning!  The worse is yet to come and it has begun.  IT WILL COME!!!

Hate and the desire to control fills the hearts and lives of sinful men. Only prayer will be your shield.  You will find safe refuge in My Sacred, Merciful Heart.  You will find peace by choosing God's Will over your will for self.  Strength, wisdom and patience will be given to all who seek them through Our Holy Spirit.  The signs surround you and are rapidly closing in. You are not prepared!

This day, this minute finds many of you in grievous sin: sins of pride, sins of the flesh, killing and aborting MY children, poisoning and polluting MY earth: land, sea and air.  Many are arrogant and so many have taken the role of God into their own hands.

Woe to all who do not change, do not convert, do not love, do not obey, do not pray!!!  God's wrath WILL come upon you and eternal death will be your

Respect your brothers, sisters, all creation and all life.  My Hour of Mercy  will soon come to close as the Hour of Judgment falls upon all.  Do all I ask of you and return through humble prayer.

End of message.

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as  a local S.D.

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: http://hia.net/giftstor/tomkiel02fst.htm