My mighty arm will protect My own--My tiny remnant but My Mighty, Strong and Powerful Arm will also Punish all who continue to deny Me. I Am God and I will have NO false gods before Me
Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J October 5, 2002 -- 11:45 P.M.
Joyce Lang
Oct 7, 2002

Louise began to receive a message from our Father of Justice and Mercy and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then our Father said:

"The stock market is ruled by big money racketeers who, when they deem ready, will allow the market to collapse so that the average investor will lose all and they will gain much. Therefore, money makers will rule all governments, all countries, all people putting into effect a one world monetary system, a one world-government ruled by the proud and wealthy, a one world leader chosen by money mongers of the United Nations thereby imposing Martial Law and a world void of God AND religion.

The U.N. is a mighty force of people who have taken control, little by little, until it is subtly taking control of your world, your actions, your choices. There will be no free-will but a tyrant to lead all. Force will be used on all who refuse OR question his orders. A dictatorship will rule. Freedom will be a thing of the past, a vanishing way of life.

This way of life has been in the making for many years and progress is rapidly being made. Many countries are under evil domination but soon the entire world will suffer also. It won't be long now for they have laid their foundation. Life as you know it and freedom will be but a memory. Why?

You ask why would God allow such heartache, so much evil to inflict all people, everywhere. It is because you, so many of you, live in great sin. You break My every Command. You reject Me. You are greedy for money and material possessions. You kill ALL life--human, animal and vegetable. You hate your world-wide brothers and sisters. You lust. You steal. You lie. You live in adultery. So, I will allow much suffering BUT I will send many signs to awaken you.

Soon, very, very soon My anger, My justice will befall ALL people, ALL nations, ALL leaders, ALL who place themselves in command lording it over My dear children. You proud, puffed-up men will soon see and feel My wrath, My justice and you will wither before your God.

My laws are to be lived and obeyed. You do not mock My Mercy, My Love. What fools you people are and oh what punishment awaits all who place false gods before Me. You will tremble and faint at the sound of My voice--when your sins are exposed before your very eyes.

Many will convert. Many others will curse and blaspheme Me. Hell's jaws will devour the unrepentant. Mercy, Love and Justice will come from Me. My Heart Is Open but My Hand Has Fallen. My Mighty Arm will protect My own--My tiny remnant but My Mighty, Strong and Powerful Arm will also Punish all who continue to deny Me. I am God and I will have NO false gods before Me."

End of message.


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.