Love alone will last. Love alone will never die. Love lives. I am Love---Eternal Love--God, Jesus, Holy Spirit--ONE TRIUNE GOD--without beginning or end: Alpha/ Omega.
Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J October 12, 2002 -- 10:25 AM
Joyce Lang
Oct 13, 2002

Please see note at end for prayer request

Louise began to receive a message from Father God and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Father God said: "I am THE God of Mercy, Love and Justice. I am Lord God of all. I am Creator, Redeemer, Giver of all Life.
I had no beginning and I have no end, past, present, future as your time is always now to Me.

I created the firmament, the seas, the air, the land, all vegetation, animals and finally: man. I gave all to man (humans) and asked you to care for all My works; all My creatures.

Finally, I gave you My Life---Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. Once again, I gave you ( man) life.

In return man---NOT animals or any other creature or creation---ignores Me, kills Me, blasphemes Me, disobeys Me, kills My people, My perfect creation. My air is unfit to breathe. My water is unfit to drink. My vegetation is poisoned, toxic.

When all is gone and you have no food, drink, air, health, animals--who will you blame? Your pride will never allow you to admit your guilt! So, you'll blame Me, God, for your sins, your suffering through man-made means.

I will not rescue the proud, ungodly man (person) unless he seeks heartfelt humble forgiveness and repents for all his sins against God and man and all creation.

By your abominable sins of pride, ego, control, hate, killing, stealing, all sexual related sins, blasphemy, you have called down upon yourselves the just anger of your God. I will no longer tolerate your words, deeds, thoughts, actions, that are completely against My teachings.

Your sins, by your free-will, will lead you directly to Hell. The world and all that is in it suffers because of evil, godless men's thoughts and actions. Satan is pleased with your progress of eliminating your God from family, prayer, school, country and state. Satan is joyful with all the souls he is gathering thus filling his dwelling of fire, brimstone and eternal suffering.

I, your One Triune God, await the return of each and every poor soul. But, I will never force you against your God given free will. Angels will lead you and Saints will pray for you IF you will ask them. My strength I will give you.

Peace and love CAN reign on earth but you must work TOGETHER as children of God, brothers and sisters, all united in love, prayer, joy and faith. Believe in Me as you pray. Watch great miracles happen, wars cease, love replace hatred, life replace death ( we will all die naturally), humility replace pride. All hearts will convert when you seek My Will instead of self-will in your daily life.

Love alone will last. Love alone will never die. Love lives. I am Love---Eternal Love--God, Jesus, Holy Spirit--ONE TRIUNE GOD--without beginning or end: Alpha/ Omega."

End of message.


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.

Note*** Please dear family lift up Louise's cousin (Helen) who is having eye surgery Nov. 4..She has only one good eye left..Louise has told me she is such a very dear person and has huge heart and loves God tremendously. Thank you in advance for Louise...