Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and then said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." Then Jesus said:

 "Soon, because of the sins of man, the entire earth will be at war.  Sin will be destroyed and sinner; cleansed.  The earth must return to its cleanliness before the first sin or as God-created it.

 I am ignored.  Commandments are ignored.  Evil rules the earth and the hearts of            man.  Good is mocked; evil, propagated.  My children do not believe in Heaven OR Hell.  They believe that after this life they die and all is ended.  They believe in good times, their choices and that they will answer to no one.  Their hearts are void of faith.

 Children are not being taught the basic principals of life.  They are not disciplined and grow into self-centered adults without love, respect, morals or principals.  They are worse than My wild animals for the animals follow the laws of nature.

 I came as God/man so that man would have a living example to follow.  I took on the body of man, spoke like a man, did all as a man but I did not sin.  I lived a life of obedience to Our Father.  I loved.  I showed mercy. I lived on the earth while not a part of it.  You must do the same---follow Me.  Pray as I prayed.  Obey your Heavenly Father.  Honor and live His

Commandments; His Will for you.

 I died and arose and ascended into Heaven for YOU. I reopened Heaven for YOU---the sinner.  Our Father has many mansions in His House---one for each and every one of His children ever created, ever to be created.  GOD LOVES YOU!  GOD WANTS YOU!

 Convert! Pray! Repent!  The Arms of Mercy and Love are outstretched to embrace and forgive you.  Will you accept My offering of Self at Calvary as the complete sacrificial offering for the hideous sins of mankind----your sins, your rejection, your pride, your greed, your hate, your ego?

 Children, die to yourself.  Die to all evil.  Choose life.  Live in Me. Live for Me.  Live as I lived.  Do all for your Father.  Live His Will for you.  After life on this earth which is your trial period, you will truly occupy the mansion Our Father has prepared for you, His precious child."   End of message.

2 0f 3 MESSAGE TO LOUISE STARR TOMKIEL,V+J APRIL 15, 2002 10:45 A.M. Personal words from Jesus:

Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."  Then Jesus said:

 "Forget the things you like to do or that bring a few extra dollars into your  house.  Work on getting house ready and yard too.  Tell others to prepare now!  Share messages locally.  Do not travel to far----alone!!! Stock your shelves.  Prepare, for ALL is about to happen!!!  Be in constant readiness!!!

 Waste no time on those who will not listen.  Take back your peace, dust off your shoes and move on.  Pray for all.  Love all.  Continue to assist me, speak in My Name and do all I ask of you.  I send you forth, with many gifts, into My Vineyard to help with the harvesting of My sheep.  I go before you.  I am with you.  Let us go now for the time is appropriate." End of m.


 Louise began to receive a message from God the Father and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood." 

Then God the Father said:  "Today will be recorded in the annals of history.  It is a day when ALL people will hear the Word of the Lord your God.

 It is a day of great decision making by not only world leaders but terrorists too.

 It is a day when much prayer is requested for the conversion of all men but also for My Pope son, John Paul II,  for he is preparing to return to His Heavenly Father.

 When, in the very near future, a new Pope is chosen and the smoke rises from the Vatican--look closely, for as the devil appeared in the smoke from the bombing of the twin towers in New York City, so too, will a sign appear in the 'white smoke' from the Vatican.  Deception is in full power .

As you pray for John Paul II, pray also for all My priests and especially, for all church leaders.  Much prayer is needed for your world, its leaders and all its people.  I am calling all ( people) to conversion, to enter through My Gate for it is soon to be closed.  Enter with a contrite heart, cleansed by Confession, and receive a full days wage.  Hurry children.  Hear the call of Love.  Accept My Divine Mercy.  Seek all My Graces.  Be strong and fear not.  I will NEVER leave My own.

 Raise your eyes, your arms, your hands and your voices toward Heaven. Rejoice in the Lord your God for He is a mighty and powerful God who is about to overtake Satan, sin, all evil.  The Just Conqueror IS victorious! Evil will be cast into the abyss of darkness forever!  Rejoice!"

 End of message.