Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 18, 2002- (11:34 A.M.)

   Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

   Then Jesus said: " Before the world is destroyed for the last time, I come to bring you hope through My signs, My messages, Our visitations and visions to My children.  Signs, too, will come from the evilness I allow to befall My people. Recognize them.  Accept them.  Understand all I am telling you.

   The problems you are now incurring are to strengthen you for when the final war, spiritual and worldly, goes into full force.  Daily troubles will make many turn to Me and seek My help through prayer.

   Prayer is your answer, your help but I wish to hear you at all times, in every situation, every hour of every day.  Although I seem light years away, I am with you always.  Your dryness today (spiritual) is to test your strength, your love, your trust in Me.  Many are passing the test like the true soldiers you have become.

   Each day, situations in your life and in the world change.  If you are prepared in Me, you will stand firm,  without fear,  assured that I, your God, have full command in all matters.  I supersede evil.  I control all his efforts to seduce you into sin.  Your free-will I do not control---you do!

   Awaken, My children.  See and hear the turbulence all around you.  Understand Satan's ways and cast him out IN MY NAME!!!  Refuse him entry into your life, your heart, your home.  Pray also to My Commander-In Chief, Holy Michael, for he is fighting the last earthly battle with Satan.

   Continue your prayers, dear remnant people.  Prayers are a powerful weapon against Satan and all evil.  In My Father's time, sin and Satan will be destroyed.  Seek My help, My strength through daily prayers.  Build your trust through much prayer.

   Be at peace dear ones.  The battle is already won in the eyes of God.  Be grateful.  Be joyful.  Fear not.  Be at peace.  My Love and Mercy is forever yours.  I love you, My faithful remnant children.

   End of message