In these days of tribulation but before the 'mark of Satan' is forced upon all people I, your Loving and Merciful Lord will go to all My remnant and place My mark on you. I will also place a permanent sign in the sky for all to see. These are the signs given to you from your God and Savior out of love which is Our Holy Spirit. There will be a cross in the sky.
Message to Louise Tomkiel- September 21, 2002----8:00 A.M.
Sep 21, 2002

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, "Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

"In these days of tribulation but before the 'mark of Satan' is forced upon all people I, your Loving and Merciful Lord will go to all My remnant and place My mark on you. I will also place a permanent sign in the sky for all to see. These are the signs given to you from your God and Savior out of love which is Our Holy Spirit.

There will be a cross in the sky. Every living being will see it. My priests and My chosen visionaries and end-time prophets will be marked with a different symbol than that of My sheep remnant. One will receive a triangle to remind you of Blessed Trinity and one will receive a ring to symbolize the God without beginning or end--Alpha/Omega. (Beast-- Rev. 13:16-17 God--Rev 14:1)

My faithful remnant will have no difficulty finding the ones who will assist them or lead them. Angels will be plentiful at your call. Thus all must pray without ceasing to remain in constant closeness to Me. I must hear your voice. Do not separate yourself from Me even for a moment. Do not give evil even a second to try to seduce you. Be alert at all times.

Wear a cross, crucifix, medal--all must be blessed--on your person at all times. These will remind you of Me and/or one of My Heavenly Saints, My Mother and dearest Joseph. Place a small medal on your babies, children and home bound elderly. Place a sign of belonging to God on all creatures for protection. All that belongs to Me must have My Heavenly mark. your homes, property and possessions should, by now, be blessed as I have so often told you.

Have all, everyone and everything, in complete readiness. The signs of the battle against My adversary, Satan are in force. It won't be long before the world lives in mighty fear but, for those who pray and obey My every word I will give much strength and a peace in their hearts that is not of this world. A deep inner peace that comes only from your God, your Jesus. It is a love impregnated in your being by Our Holy Spirit--the Spirit of Love.

Do not be anxious for all will take place, all will be done as the Father commands and in His Perfect time."

End of message

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.