Anytime now, all will begin... The Father's Will, MUST be completed. WE ARE VICTORIOUS!!!
MESSAGE VIA LOUISE STARR TOMKIEL, V+J August 22, 2002---10:10 A.M.
Aug 22, 2002

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said,
" Those of you that I have chosen to man my refuges, HURRY! Be in complete readiness NOW! Listen to My instructions purchasing all these needs quickly. THERE IS NO TIME TO LOSE!

Terrorists have set the dates, hour and the areas that are to be destroyed. Many, many lives are at risk. I will follow through with My destruction, My punishment.

PRAY and PRAY and PRAY! Cleanse your souls NOW (Confession) and remain in the State of Grace. Be ready to follow My Command at a moments notice. DO NOT HESITATE!!!

Trust in Me to lead you. Many Angels will leave Heaven to protect and escort you to My chosen refuges. Do NOT look back---- GO! The hour is VERY close yet, in My Mercy and Love you still have a brief time to return and prepare.

Do NOT waste precious time worrying or in fear. I am your God and I WILL protect My own beloved, faithful, trusting, obedient, loving remnant. I WILL give you My strength. In the midst of all the terror,
I AM YOUR HAVEN OF PEACE. Reside in My Sacred heart, My mother's Immaculate heart and Joseph's gentle, humble, pure heart. WE ARE WITH YOU!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!

Regardless of the outcome-----whether you live or are to die for me------Heaven has a place reserved for you, precious child. The battle is escalating in the minds of evil men. Anytime now, all will begin. St. Michael and Lucifer are prepared. After all is completed and My time is come you will see the magnificent NEW HEAVEN and NEW EARTH. Bear with Me. The Father's Will, MUST be completed. WE ARE VICTORIOUS!!!

Praise be to your God FOREVER!!!

(End of Message)

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is:

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