MESSAGE TO LOUISE STARR TOMKIEL, V+J, September 25, 2001-1:45 P.M

Louise started to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with your Most Precious Blood."

Today I come to warn you: all MUST be in readiness for the hour is at hand.

Evil men, the world over, are preparing another attack that will affect the entire earth and all its inhabitants. No one and no thing will be spared.

They are resorting to chemicals, germs and insects, all of which are deadly.

This is to cause long suffering until death finally frees my children. These

fools will also breathe in and eat and drink these toxins. Their intent is total destruction. They will also self-destruct.

All food and water will be contaminated. Are you prepared? If you've listened to Me and My warnings you will be ready at any given time. Keep your eyes on Me and witness My signs in the sky. Listen to all I've told you and continue to obey Me. In love and mercy I warn and teach you.

Complete your preparations quickly for evil lurks at every corner. After all the messages I've sent to earth, very, very few pay any attention.

New York City was a horrible wake-up call for thousands in USA and various countries. The next attack will be far worse and very soon. You are living Scripture's final chapters.

The mighty battle must rage. But one day all evil and all sin will be wiped away forever. Then will be the Era of Peace I spoke of. After that I will return.

Today I am with you spiritually and in the Holy Eucharist. Be obedient and faithful soldiers for on that final day--THE LAST and FINAL JUDGMENT-- I

will collect My own, My faithful, trusting, loving, obedient, tiny remnant and escort you home with Me in Paradise ( Heaven ) eternally.

But beginning TODAY, the trials and tribulations will increase. You need My strength and peace of mind and spirit to see you through. Spend much time with Me; listening, reading Scripture, rereading My loving messages, in prayer (prayer is very important to your peace of mind) for in this way you grow closer to Our Father. Allow His Love to lead you. Become one in Us through complete self surrender.

I've told you many things to set aside for these treacherous days ahead. Now this grave hour is near and you will also need a mask ( gas ) to keep these chemicals and germs from entering your body through breathing. These weapons will increase headaches, eye problems, illness in your vital organs and skin rashes and burns and finally, death. Have these (masks) ready for all your family members, all who live with you, for even the indoors will NOT be safe.

Again I tell you this through My Mercy and Love. Begin!!!

*Note: News Channel TV 6, Philadelphia --5:30 P.M. today talked about gas masks and showed them.


Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving visions and messages from Heaven since 1977. She is married and has a grown daughter and two grandchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World prayer cenacle, in nearby Bensalem, Pennsylvania.

Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years. He is an Oblate of St. Francis DeSales, as well as, a local Spiritual Director.

