Believe!  Love!  Keep the faith and above all, stay in touch daily through prayer

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus,
please cover  me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " The day of God's just judgment is upon you and His
wrath will be felt by all of mankind in every country around the world.  He
will bestow on each person a gift to see his/her own soul and the state your
soul is in.  You will see yourself as He, your Father and Creator sees you.  
You will have another chance, through His great Love and Mercy, to decide
your eternal fate or destination with Him or with Satan.  He will place a
great sign in the sky for all the world to see.  All MUST be in complete

Angels are posted and Michael (Archangel) is ready.  My remnant
children are  prepared and events will worsen daily.  Never in the history of
the world  have so many signs happened simultaneously.  Never before has
sin been so  great.  God's cup of wrath is running over and there is no
stopping it.

Love, consecration and prayer will be your strength.  Living the Will
of God  for you is the light that will daily lead you onward.  Faith and
trust will  console you.  Holy Angels will lead and defend you.  God's Mercy
and Love  will protect you.  His promise to His own is eternal life.  Those
who obey  Him, He loves.

God the Father does not promise you an easy  life but ask all to take
up your  cross each day and follow Me, your Savior, your Jesus.  He asks
you to surrender your all to Him.  He asks for your heartfelt love and to
reconcile yourself to Him now, to forgive as you are forgiven, to repent of all
your sins, to walk in the footsteps of His Son, Me, your Jesus.  He asks for
sacrifice and oblations.  He asks for your heart.

All will soon come to pass.  Many of you will live the great Tribulation.
He  has set up and prepared many refuges.  They are in readiness.  He
knows His  sheep and He and all of Heaven know all the poor souls who will be
lost forever.  They are those who reject Him, do not believe, do not keep
His Commandments but, instead, choose to deny Him, Me, your Jesus, and
follow evil living and wallowing in sin.  In the end there are but two
choices--Heaven or Hell.

He is giving you extended time so as to change your course, your road
to your  everlasting destination.  Do you hear Him?  Will you accept this
gift (of  time) to convert?  Will you, through your own free-will, choose
your Lord,  God, Savior?  Or will you continue to live and wallow daily in
your deadly  sins and lose your never dying soul forever?  What is YOUR
final decision  dearest child?

If, however, you choose now to follow evil and continue to live in
sin; you will live, along with My beloved, faithful, believing remnant, the most
horrible days ever to be lived on earth, the Great Tribulation.  Here
again Our God and Father will offer all poor souls His Mercy for your final

For distant souls, those who have lived in mortal sin and who still
remain in  serious sin, these days will be most difficult, extremely painful,
for Satan  will not wish to let you go.  But let go (of him and sin) you
I will  receive you as My returning prodigal.  I will forgive you and
you will  receive eternal life with Me and all My Saints and Angels.

My Mercy endures forever to anyone who freely returns to Me, seeks
forgiveness, believes in Me and pardons others.

Pray!  Pray!  PRAY for strength to return, to endure to the end (of
your life).  Remain faithful to Me.  Return today.  Pray for one another.  
Share your testimony to all who will listen.  Share the Mercy and Love God
has showered on you.  Bring My lost, weak sheep back to their Good,
Merciful, Loving Shepherd.

We bless you one and all.  We send Our Angels to guide and guard you
and to assist you always.

Believe!  Love!  Keep the faith and above all, stay in touch daily
through prayer.

End of message

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been
receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter
and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in
Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of
the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual
Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as
well as  a local S.D.

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: