Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J
April 30, 2002- (10:30 A.M.)
Feast of Pius V

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, " I come to you today as your God of Mercy and Love.  I come to appeal to your hearts----return to Me.

Satan will put a fear in you to make you accept his ways.  I will put ' awe of the Lord' in you so that you will convert to the Truth that will open your eyes, ears, hearts.

The 'chip' is being forced on people---the Mark of the Beast.  It is the seal that will give you much freedom to live, act, speak as you please.  It attaches you to Lucifer.  You become his world-wide advocate.  IT IS YOUR SEAL OF ETERNAL DEATH!

If you do NOT take it freely, you will be given Heaven's protection for it was NOT your free-will choice.  You will not be held responsible.  I will be with you.  PRAY!!!  Only by your willful decision will I hold you responsible.

My 'Mark' has been given to many  and many more will receive it.  You are the children who, again freely, give yourselves to Me.  My Will is your life.  You are the faithful sheep of your Good Shepherd, Jesus.

Although many will be persecuted, NONE will ever know or realize eternal death.  All of you will have unconditional love, a lively faith, pure joy and a deep peace in your hearts.  I, your Jesus, reside in you!  You have invited Me in.

The rule of life is LOVE!  If you truly love; hate, jealousy, anger, self-pride, ego and all the sins of Satan's rule CAN NEVER deter you---separate you from Me, Jesus, who is ALL MERCY.

True love ---love from the heart-- is the greatest force on earth.  It can and does, overcome hate and all evil.  Give love to all--yes ALL--as freely as I give It (LOVE) to all.  Matthew 22:36-37

Forgive.  Pray.  Do unto others as you wish them to do to you.  Judge not.  YOU be the Good Samaritan.  YOU live love.  YOU follow your Master.  YOU become a beacon in the darkness.  YOU radiate the LOVE of GOD---NOT---NO, NEVER reflect or live evil.  Detest sin and the lord of darkness.

I implore you, My children everywhere---RETURN!  Meditate on the Love of your Triune God.  Obey the Commandments!  Consecrate yourselves DAILY to Me!  Pray always!  Thank Us daily for all your blessings!  Intercede for all poor souls to return to Me!  Pray.  Make your life, from this moment onward, one continous prayer by living obedience to the Will of God through LOVE!

(End of message)