Cling to His Mercy and Love. Honor, love, adore your God. Pray for this time to be shortened or no one, not even the elect, will survive. The punishment is far beyond man's comprehension. Seek the Word of the Lord and follow----live---it. You will help many poor souls through your prayers
MESSAGE VIA LOUISE STARR TOMKIEL, V+J August 30, 2002---9:45 A.M.   Aug 31, 2002

Louise began to receive a message from Jesus and said, " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

Then Jesus said, "Although it is still Summer and Fall is less than a month away, many areas already are feeling a drastic drop in temperatures. In some places, heat will return; in others, cold will arrive very early.

In many parts of the world, Winter will be as severe as your out-going Summer. A deep, penetrating cold will freeze lakes, rivers and, if you do not have a central heating system, house pipes will freeze and break.

Your sources of heat will not warm many houses because of the deadly cold. People will huddle together for warmth and animals will too.

Provide NOW! Have food and a good source of heat prepared, making sure you have a means to cook or warm your food for your people. Be in complete readiness from this day forward!!!

Be sure too, that you have many warm clothes and blankets or quilts. Good, heavy, sturdy shoes are a must. All I have asked you to lay in MUST be in its place now!!! Those not prepared or who laugh and mock these words will be the first to feel My effects thru nature.

Again, due to the sub-freezing temperatures, power lines will snap leaving many without electric and gas and yes, water. It will be a cold never witnessed before by the average human being (felt only at the poles).

Food will be scarce and quite expensive due to the great fires, droughts and floods of this Summer. I extend My LOVE and mercy to all who are prepared; who have or are listening to My ever loving warnings. My Heart is with you. I will never abandon those who are faithful. I will lead you, guide you and assist you.

Place your trust in Me and never lose hope. Many I have called by name and you've answered Me. You are the ones, chosen by 'Abba' to help Us assist those who are ignorant to Our Words yet loving, faithful followers of your Christ.

You will recognize the ones you are to follow for I will mark them with My sign. They will shelter you, assist you and, when possible, you must aid them. These chosen ones have done all their preparations and await My next move, My next command.

Do not ask where you are to go or how you will arrive there. I tell you, just listen and obey. My Holy Angels will lead My children to safety. Many will be called home (Heaven) to the safety of My Sacred Heart. There will be martyrs who die for their faith and love for Me. Heaven is yours. Others will remain and live in accordance to My Will. You will receive great strength and an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit. All will be done according to the Divine Will of God.

As on the first Passover, bless and prepare your homes and all buildings for another Passover as I desire to protect My faithful remnant, once again, from the ravages of evil.

Obey My children and be in complete readiness as your earth and all souls go through a mighty purification, the annihilation of sin and sinful areas around the entire world. It is now in progress and will end only in God's time. His just wrath and anger is upon the whole world.

Cling to His Mercy and Love. Honor, love, adore your God. Pray for this time to be shortened or no one, not even the elect, will survive. The punishment is far beyond man's comprehension. Seek the Word of the Lord and follow----live---it. You will help many poor souls through your prayers."

(end of message)

Louise Starr Tomkiel is a Roman Catholic in good standing who has been receiving messages and visions since 1977. She has a married daughter and two granchildren. Louise also has two deceased sons. She resides in Levittown, Pennsylvania, and is a member of Our Lady of Fatima Light of the World Prayer Cenacle in nearby Bensalem, Pa. Louise has a Spiritual Director for over twenty years and he is an Oblate of St. Francis De Sales, as well as a local S.D.

Web site for Louise: Tomkiel is: