I will no longer bless the USA. Mary has removed her mantle of love and protection from the USA. Joseph will no longer be the protector and guardian of the USA.

Message via Louise Starr Tomkiel, V+J Friday, August 10, 2001 - 12:30 A.M.

Louise started to receive a locution from God The Father and said: " Jesus, please cover me with Your Most Precious Blood."

God The Father then said: "Which of you leaders or political decision makers would be willing to give your life so that another may live--?

Which of you would donate the life of your spouse, child, sibling, parent or other family member or friend?

You create a life to destroy it and desire to renew the life of another! Who do you politicians, doctors and surgeons think you are??? You are playing God while acting according to Satan!!!

Unless you repent, trash such laws, return to Me, your souls are doomed forever. THOU SHALT NOT KILL! THOU SHALT NOT PLACE FALSE GODS BEFORE ME! Your punishment will begin very soon and it will be severe.

Many of My children prayed and sacrificed for you to decide on life; life created by your God and taken only by your God. In your hearts you know you did wrong but you allowed yourself to be lead by evil.

I will no longer bless the USA. Mary has removed her mantle of love and protection from the USA. Joseph will no longer be the protector and guardian of the USA.

Individuals who love Us, obey Us, honor Us, are consecrated to Us, and pray often will be protected for these are Our loving, humble remnant children.

This day you have completely turned your backs to God and have rejected My Commandments. By your free will you have sinned against God and man. What fools you are! Now you will feel the just and long over-do punishment reserved for those who reject Me and follow the dictates of Satan. Laugh at these words if you dare. But when you feel My wrath you will live only pain and torment.

The ill and crippled think they will be helped or healed. Few people carry their cross behind Me. All seek miracles. Yet suffering is required of all men for all must be purified. No one can escape punishment do to his sins. The results of these implants will be short-lived and cause many other and more serious problems. Instead I say: 'Come to Me all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest.' (Matthew11:28-New American Bible) PRAY!!!"

(End of Message)