ALL who read this message make arrangements to come to receive THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD. DO IT NOW! DON’T PROCRASTINATE!
August Messages to Joyce Wagner
Joyce Lang
Sep 9, 2002

Message from God the Father to Joyce Ann Wagner August 4, 2002

God the Father Speaking:  Joyce Ann, Do not worry about anything. I love you so very much and I am watching over you every second of your life.

My chosen daughter, you have been given many privileges and have been gifted by Myself, My Son Jesus, and our Holy Spirit, and through my precious daughter, your mother, Mary. I desire for your complete trust in me for their accomplishment.

After praising and thanking Him for being my true Father, I heard: It is so wonderful that you appreciate Me. You don’t speak to Me enough. You used to do it a lot more often. Joyce Ann, you’re supposed to be an example in saying the Father’s Rosary everyday so that you can encourage others to say it everyday, also.

Thank you for thinking of Me and for having the special mss in My special honor I will be here in an extraordinary way, Joyce Ann, to thank all of those who will come to give Me special honor. I bestow upon each of you my special individual blessing and I touch each of you on your hearts. From now on, each person here will come closer to Me and each will be the apple of my eye. Tell them that I love them so very, very much and to always remember that.

My daughter, tell them to come running to Me, their FATHER, and I will always be there to put my arms around them when they need it. Am I not the most loving of all fathers? Since I am all-powerful, I can help them as I have the solutions to all of their problems. I say to them, “Come my precious child, come to your Father, I love you!” How happy it makes Me, your Father, when you come to Me and you expect Me to help you. Can I refuse you when you have such confidence in Me and especially if it benefits you and is NOT against my will?

Joyce Ann, I will bestow upon each of you My Special Blessing. I will also bless everyone’s religious articles and also the religious articles that you have available in (your private) chapel for a donation.

Now, Joyce Ann, I give you a blessing and I touch you upon the forehead. Tell Martha that I give her and Matthew a blessing also.

Message from Jesus to Joyce Ann Wagner August 15, 2002

Jesus speaking: It is time for another reminder to be given to the Children of God to come to receive THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD, which is given by My Father at Our Holy House of Prayer, here in Burbank, California.

My Father has patiently waited and continues to patiently wait for His children to visit His Holy House of Prayer where He is present in person. He delights in giving His precious gift, The Seal of the Living God, to those who come to receive it.

Joyce Ann, If you only knew how happy it makes Him when His children come to receive the Seal of the Living God. But, oh how it saddens Him when His children use selfish excuses for not coming to receive His Gift. Even though I have not set a ending date for receiving the Seal, the time is very short for the receiving of it.

I want to say, “Children of God, COME NOW to receive My Father’s Special Gift, THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD, while there is still time to receive it. Know that you will have the special protections and help of My Father when the anti-Christ tries to force you to take the mark of the beast. Happy and at peace are those who receive the Seal of the Living God.

Joyce Ann, I desire that ALL who read this message make arrangements to come to receive THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD. DO IT NOW! DON’T PROCRASTINATE! Call Joyce Ann, my beloved, to make the necessary arrangements to receive the Seal of the Living God.

Contact Joyce Ann Wagner 818-841-4522