Rumors on Book 7

NONE of these rumors are true! They have been checked personally by J.K. Rowling. This web page is for interest purposes only.


Dumbledore is not a relative of Harry

Dumbledore is really dead. He will not come back to life.

Harry's mother was not a Death Eater

Harry will not become Minister of Magic

The prophecy ONLY refers to Harry NOT Neville.

The Sorting Hat is not a Horcrux.

Harry is not related to Voldemort or Salazar Slytherin

Lily Potter is not alive

Crookshanks is not an Animagus

The information above was provided by

Ms. Norris is not an Animagus

Luna is not Snape's daughter;he never married or had any kids

The information above was provided by

The Dursley's will be held hostage by Voldemort

The rumors below are ones that have not been denied by Rowling or any of her representatives.

There will not be a 8th Harry Potter book

(There have been rumors about this flying everywhere we can not be positive about this rumor!)

J.K Rowling has hinted that Harry will die in the 7th book.

This book shouldn't be longer than the Order of the Phoenix

Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, or Draco will die.
