Pregnancy Updates!
Announcing the upcoming arrival of Aden Charles Fray
July 25, 2005
8 more weeks to go!!!
Dear Family and Friends,
We created this page so we could inform our family and friends how the pregnancy is progressing.  Check this page weekly for pictures and updates!
Ultrasound #2
Kristin's Pregnant Rants
Kristin's Belly Gallery, updated weekly
Pick your favorite baby name!
What's new with Aden? 
January 3, 2005: We went to the doctor for an 11 week check-up, and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat!  It was awesome.  The midwife said our baby sounded good, the blood tests were fine, and there are no problems with the pregnancy so far. 
January 12, 2005: Everything is still going fine.  I haven't been sick, and I feel great, except for a bachache.  We are looking forward to February 9, when the an ultrasound will hopefully tell us the sex of the baby.  Kyle is hoping for a boy, and I want a girl.  Which would you prefer?
January 17, 2005: Today marks the official beginning (so we think) of the second trimester.
January 30, 2005: I may possibly have felt the baby move, but it is probably just wishful thinking (or gas). 
February 3, 2005: I'm having insatiable urges to eat Taco Bell bean burritos.
February 9, 2005: We went to the doctor today and they suggested waiting on the ultrasound so we could tell the gender.  The doctor said she thinks the baby will be a boy, because I haven't been sick.  We will know (if the baby cooperates) on February 21!
February 21, 2005: It's a boy!  He looks healthy, and was active and kicking thoughout the ultrasound.
March 2, 2005: During a lesson, Dr. Wright played a loud, high-pitched note, and the baby moved.  First, he jumped (he was startled) and then he settled lower in my belly.  This is the first time I've noticed him moving in response to sound.  He will obviously be a musical genius.
March 7, 2005: We're halfway there!
March 11, 2005:The baby has a schedule.  He is most active at night and after I eat.
March 30, 2005: Kyle has felt the baby move several times.  Today, he was poking my belly and the baby kept kicking him back!  It was adorable.  Of course I was tearing up.  Sniff sniff.
April 3, 2005: I've been feeling Braxton Hicks contractions for a couple weeks.  At first, I didn't know what they were, but I think they're Braxton Hicks because I feel pressure and then my uterus gets hard.  They're not regular at all.  I think Kyle's getting nervous, but he won't admit it.  (Later: Kyle says he's not getting nervous.  I feel this proves my point.)
April 9, 2005: I like to eat ice cream sandwiches when they're melty, so I put an ice cream sandwich on my belly to warm it up.  Aden went crazy!  He started kicking the sandwich.  We could see it bounce around.  Finally, he gave a mighty kick, and it tipped off!  After trying this a few times, we concluded that Aden does not like it when I have cold things on my belly.
April 18, 2005:
Aden kicked the fetal heart monitor at the doctor's office about six times.  He really doesn't like cold things!
April 25, 2005: The third trimester starts today!  WOOHOO! 
May 6, 2005: Today Aden didn't move for a few hours. Naturally, I got worried.  So, I ate some chocolate and drank some cold water to wake him up.  He started moving and didn't stop for a long time.  I guess the caffiene in the chocolate had an effect!  Mmm...chocolate...
May 12-19, 2005: Aden got to visit relatives in Arizona.  He has already flown four round trip flights so far.  No more until he's born--I can't handle it.
May 23, 2005: The second ultrasound  was today.  Aden is four pounds, and is measuring about a week ahead of schdeule.  He is breech right now, so send him some vibes to turn. 
Since this page was getting too big, I moved the other belly pics here:  Belly Gallery
11 weeks 18 weeks 25 weeks 29 weeks 32 weeks