Let's Join Forces
Elephant Divider


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I am a mom in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  I don't receive my court ordered child support. My goal is to get the child support owed to my kids and to help as many other people as I can along the way. Please browse my site, contact me if you want, share your stories with me and others. Maybe together we will come up with some ideas we can implement.

I am not a lawyer, nor a social worker. I am a research assistant and paralegal. I have no credentials or degree. I am simply angry and frustrated with a system that advertises its successes very loudly, when in fact, the successes are few and far between.

Those who I have been in contact with in the Texas government have been a little less than useless. My ex owes over $74,000.00 in back child support and statutory interest payments. He is still walking around free. When you hear stories about how these deadbeats are being put in prison, you may not want to believe all that you hear.

The one thing I do know is that if ENOUGH OF US get together and yell loud enough, eventually something will have to change. If politicians know that our votes count as much as our ex's, they maybe they'll take us seriously.

Elephant Divider

My Story / Others' Stories / Current Projects / Our Ideas / Email

 Kathy S. LaCroix
1848 East 21st Street, Cheyenne, WY 82001
(307) 778-0182 (evenings)