Personal Website of R.Kannan
Learning Circle - Management
for Beginners - Table of Content


Management for Beginners - Table of Contents


  1. Title Page - The ABC of Management

  2. Functions of Management

  3. Principles of Management

  4. How study of Management, as a Subject is Important for Indian Conditions Today?

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Evolution of Management Thought

  1. Evolution of Management Thought - Pre-Scientific Period

  2. Frederick Winslow Taylor - Theory of Scientific Management

  3. Henri Fayol - Administrative Theory of Management

  4. Evolution of Classical Approach to Management

  5. >
  6. Human Relations Management & Behavioural Approach to Management

  7. Mayo & the Hawthorn Experiments Determining Human Relations in Management

  8. Weber's Theory of Bureaucracy & Authority

  9. Quantitative Theory of Management

  10. Systems Theory of Management

  11. Unique Features of Contingency Theory

  12. Basic Principles of Contingency Theory

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Theories of Motivation

  1. Human Relations School of Management
    Theories of Motivation

  2. Hierarchy of Needs Theory by Abraham Maslow - in his work "Motivation and Personality", (1954)

  3. Hygiene Factors Theory by Frederick Herzberg "Work And Nature Of Man"(1966)

  4. Theories of Motivation - Douglas McGregor - "The Human Side of Enterprise"(1960)

  5. Theory of X and Theory of Y by Prof. Douglas McGregor (1960)

  6. Achievement Motivation Model developed by David C.McClelland of Harvard University and his associates (1953

  7. Goal Setting Theory by J. Stacey Adams (1965)

  8. Equity Theory by J. Stacey Adams (1965)

  9. Expectancy Theory of Victor Vroom - "Work and Motivation"(1964)

  10. Theory of Transactional Analysis by Dr.Eric Berne (1964)

  11. Theory of Management by Objectives by Peter Drucker - The Practice of Management -(1954)

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Index of all Modules under Learning Circle


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[ last updated on 20.09.2004 ]<>[ chkd-apvd-ef ]