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Update 19-08-05 : This action research cycle is slowly grinding to a halt in the face of 'education' establishment hostility (rooted in and perpetuated by the fact that nobody is getting 'dashed' to facilitate free 21st century net mediated education), and related gradual degradation of what was a mickey mouse 'broadband' service to begin with.

At this time, a project manager or student at Kpoly, can only occasionally access a Yahoo mailbox, almost never access Google Groups, very seldom access his/her (Yahoo) Geocities personal web site to maintain it and develop basic html coding skill, use of VideoSkype has become completely impossible even at weekends, and the graphics that are an essential component of  http://kumasipolytechnic.net/kpolytrendtrade2.htm  for example will not load.

Whether or not there is deliberate top-down sabotage/subversion, is something the reader will decide for him/herself in the light of inbuilt experience/prejudices/preconceptions, but in either event reality does nicely illustrate why 21st century education vehicles in neocolonially governed parts of the world must by adaptable and unencumbered - the next phase of SoACT's  action research focus will necessarily shift away from subverted white elephant official resources to guerrilla informal teaching venues and commercial cafes.

Update 27-08-05 : With immediate effect and without warning, the minimal synchronous real-time teaching toolset (Yahoo messenger plus cam) that had doggedly survived deliberate  Polytechnic 'broadband' service degradation, is blocked by the neo-colonial stooges who populate an anti-education 'education'/political  establishment.  In Case

Different experiences produce different brain structures  |  SoACT (project)  |  Staff stuff  |  Birthday | Kumasi weather forecast and news | Kumasi Connections | 2005 Distance Education Digest | Shakra | http://school-of-applied-computing-technology-1986-number-bn58892a-edu.com/2006

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