Koganei's Sonnet


Her Page

Okay... this is the last time you guys have to suffer my poetry tonight. ^_^ I was asked if I could do a Shakespearean sonnet (ABABCDCDEFEFGG)... and I didn't know, so I tried. ^_^ It's not as good as a friend of mine can write, but it's not horribly bad for midnight, and a first attempt, ne? And just as a reminder, iambic pentameter goes "Da DUM Da DUM Da DUM Da DUM Da DUM".


"I need you to rebuild this rotten world,"

The man in the strange mask had told the boy;

Upon the breeze the folds of his dress furled;

Bewildered, Koganei clutched in hand his toy.

"A Rubix cube?" inquired the Flame Caster;

"I know a weapon which would fit you fine.

"The Kougan Anki requires a skilled master;

"Triumph, and it can be yours in time."

The Caster smiled kindly at the other,

Who had no home or family to love;

"Come with me, and I'll become your brother."

To convince the boy did not take much of a shove.

And thus Kaoru went with his new friend;

His new life began as his old one now did end.

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