Ken W. F. Howard

MSc, PhD, PHG, PGeo, CGeol FGS

Groundwater / Hydrogeological Consultant
and Expert Witness

Ken Howard is a hydrogeologist, certified by the American Institute of Hydrology, chartered by the British Geological Society and registered as a Professional Geosocientist with the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario. He has research and consulting experience in all groundwater issues.

He is a Professor of Hydrogeology at the University of Toronto, in Canada,
where he is Director of the
Groundwater Research Group.

Currently, he is also a Regional Vice-President of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) and Chair of its Commission on Groundwater in Urban Areas (IAHCGUA).



Examples of Recent Consulting Projects (with start dates):

1995 Well yield probability in fractured aquifer systems

1995 Flow modeling and evaluation of water quality degradation in the town of Thunder Bay

1997 Potential impacts of a side-road extension on underlying groundwater in the Greater Toronto Area

1997 Potential impacts of buried asphalt waste on a farm well above the Niagara Escarpment, Ontario

1999 Hydrogeological Design of urban subdivisions on the Oak Ridges Moraine (Richmond Hill)

1999 Underground flooding due to rapid run-off (Oakville)

1999 Hydrogeological Design of urban subdivisions on the Oak Ridges Moraine (Uxbridge)

1999 Member of Peer Review Team for the City of Pickering re: restart of Pickering Nuclear Generating Plant turbines

2000 Review of documentation re: impacts of proposed extension of Highway 407, Ontario

2000 Walkerton Inquiry - first environmental expert witness

2001 Expert witness - OMB hearings Richmond Hill, Ontario

2002 Consultant / technical expert - Arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh.

2002 Impacts of urban development on ground and surface waters - Oakville / Trafalgar Moraine

2003 Independent review and analysis of hydrogeological investigations conducted at the proposed Adams Mine landfill

2004 Impacts of road salt on well water - Pound Ridge, New York

For information on Services, Availability and Fees,

please contact
Ken Howard via e-mail:

Telephone: 416-287-7233

Fax: 416-287-7279

International Association of
Hydrogeologists (IAH)

IAH Commission on
Groundwater in Urban Areas

International Association of
Hydrogeologists Canadian
National Chapter