2nd Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry U.S.

Listing of Soldiers Known to be of German Birth

(There are some other men with German surnames who served in the 2nd Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry but due to deficient records their places of birth could not be proven.)

Bischoff, George, 28, Pvt. Co, L, 2nd Ky. Vet, Vols. mustered out July 17, 1865

Bomer (Bommer), Charles, 31, Pvt, Co. H, 2nd Ky. Vet, Vols mustered out July 17, 1865

Bowers, Nicholas, 31, Pvt. Co. H, mustered out at expiration of enlistment

Collett, Francis,32, Pvt. Co. H, died Aug. 6, 1866

Concran (Concinan), Andrew J., 21, Pvt. Co. C, discharged for disability Nov. 17, 1863

Ehrismann, Christian, 24, Cpl. Co. G, Veteran trans, from 5th Ky. Inf. mustered out July 17, 1865

Graster (Groaster), Martin , 22, Pvt. Co. I, mustered out July 17, 1865

Hoessle (Hassler), Charles, Pvt., Co. B, Mustered in Sept. 9, 1861, served 3 years, born Breisach am Rhein, Grand Duchy of Baden

Liesure, Rodolph, 23 Cpl. Co. B, mustered out June 10, 1865

Lutter, Carl, 43, Pvt. Co. B, died Mar. 10, 1964

Miller, John B., 32, Pvt. Co. M, unassigned recruit, transferred

Peistes, Adam, 18, Pvt. Co. C, mustered out Mar. 23, 1865

Pohle, Herman, 41, Pvt. Co. H, mustered out July 17, 1865

Schutz, Adam, 34, Cpl. Co. H, mustered out Oct. 12, 1864

Streit, John, 34, Co. C, mustered out Feb. 6, 1984

Suitheimer, Jacob, 20, Pvt. Co. K, mustered out July 17, 1865

Weston, Frank, 34, Pvt. Co,. H, discharged Dec. 15, 1861