Kentucky German-Americans in the Civil War

2nd Kentucky Regiment Infantry C.S.A.

Bills, Conrad, Pvt., drowned Feb. 1865 crossing Savanah River

Klem, Charles L., Co. I, lost leg at Shiloh, April 1862, residence Lawrenceburg, KY.

The follwing named Germans served in the 2nd Kentucky Regiment but their status as Kentucky residents at enlistment is not certain.

Hendrix, Stephen H. Co. D, fought at Ft. Donelson

Krum, Ernest, Co. B

Fahey, John, Co. H, fought from Ft. Donelson to Missionary Ridge

4th Kentucky Regiment Infantry C.S.A.

The following named German served in the 4th Kentucky Regiment but his status as Kentucky residents at enlistment is not certain.

Schwauer, J. fought at Ft. Donelson

Kraft Sr., Henry, Cpl., Co. F., born Salzungen, Saxe-Memingen.

5th Kentucky Regiment Infantry C.S.A.

Krieger, Jacob, Pvt. mortally wounded at Dalton, Ga., May 14, 1864

6th Kentucky Regiment Infantry C.S.A.

The follwing named German served in the 6th Kentucky Regiment but his status as Kentucky residents at enlistment is not certain.

Loeb, Abraham, Cpl.

9th Kentucky Regiment Infantry C.S.A.

Bosche, Christain, Capt., Louisville, Co. H, mustered in Oct. 7, 1861, promoted Apr. 25, 1862 from 1st Lt. to Captain, served until the end of the war.

The follwing named Germans served in the 9th Regiment but their status as Kentucky residents at enlistment is not certain.

Dickman, John

Gosson, John

Herr, Julius Polfus, Godfrey

Stolsenberg, Louis

Ziegler, Charles