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Newport is a 3 1/2 year old border collie/australian shepard mix. Newport was abused and then abandoned during the first year of his life. He was running wild with three other dogs in southern California. It took weeks before he would come near me and months before he trusted me. Eventually he came home with me. In the beginning life with Newport was a series of new things. He had never worn a collar or walked on a leash. He had never been in a car, a house, or walked up stairs. Initially he was afraid of everything he saw (except other dogs) and everything he heard.

newport2.jpg - 20.5 KSlowly things improved and many fears have eased or subsided. It took a lot of patience, persistence and love, but he has made tremendous progress. Newport still hates loud noises and is wary of strangers, but the circle of people he trusts is slowly widening. Despite his horrendous start in life he is an incredibly lovable and happy dog. His favorite activities include: eating; playing with his canine friends; chasing squirrels; and hiking. Newport is very food-motivated and that has been a huge help in learning obedience and getting us out of sticky situations. Having a shy dog is very different than having a non-shy one. A tremendous amount of effort goes into working to ease their shyness and fears and tons of patience is required. However, when the breakthroughs occur it is all that more rewarding. I wouldn't want any other dog but Newport.

Contact Newport's mom, Jessica Van der Feen at
