My Pic and Bio

ME in Vegas

Hello. A few facts about me.....
my name is Christie and I live in Phoenix,Arizona.
I have two children, Jeff and Jennifer.
Both are grown up.
Jennifer moved to California after graduation for a litle while
and has a son of her own, Jacob
I have placed a bunch of pics of him and me
on his page. Just click on his name.
He is so sweet and adorable and he calls me Nana!
Jennifer and Jacob moved back to Arizona about 3 years ago.
I am thrilled to have them here with me.

My son Jeff, was a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps, stationed in Camp Pendleton, CA.
He finished a tour of duty in Japan, traveled extensively around the world and settled down on the East coast.

I am very proud of both my children, they turned out great!

I met the most wonderful man several years ago and last January, we went and got married. It is a really happy marriage and we are having a wonderful life together. If you are interested in reading all about it and how we met, click HERE

I am also starting my EIGHTEENTH year of work, at the great UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE.
I really enjoy my work.
I'm a "window clerk"or glorified "stamp peddler" as some
of my closer friends call me.
Most of my customers are wonderful people,
and I get great satisfaction being able
to help them out and answer questions they have.
I also am lucky enough to have
the greatest co-workers I could ever ask for.

My birthday is on July 23, and I am a LEO.
Funny thing is, I have the same birthday
as Monica Lewinsky!
I am the fifth child born of ten children.
I have six sisters and three brothers.

Most of my family has moved to various states.
I have one other sister, ERIN
that lives here in Arizona;

a sister LIZ in Chicago;
a sister Kathy in Illinois
my youngest sister, Cindy in Havelock, NC
a sister and a brother in Colorado Springs, Judy and Pat.
and a few living in the Iowa/Illinois area.

With the success of my children and the good fortune to have been blessed with good health
I could not be happier.
Life has been very good to me.


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