I have the permssion to use Moon Momma's fanart and doujinshi scans for my fanfiction banners.

All German information was brought in by Kurozuishou

Any fanfictions dealing with Molly and Neflite are edited and suggested ideas from Moon Momma. She allowed me to use her suggestions as she edited the fics. You will find all my Molly&Neflite stories, poems at Moon Momma's website. The link to her site is in the Library and on the links page. So instead of me having to say thanks everytime on my Mol&Nef fics, this will be a lot easier.

I've also have the permission to use Moon Momma's fanfiction banners from her site for mine and her fanfictions.

Thanks to Minako01 for allowing me to use some of her images for my galleries.

For other images, I can't remember where they came from. Ever since 1997, I've been saving images on my disks to print them out for kids but never had the chance. If I have any of your images, please let me know and I'll credit you for them.
