Fanfiction by Kurozuishou
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Break Out
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: What if Jadeite was conscious in his icy tomb. Here's his thoughts on what he would be feeling and thinking in his tomb. Note: Image in story was created by Kurozuishou
Devil Jealousy
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: Nephrite looks down from Heaven and reflects on his feelings as he sees Naru going on with her life
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: Zoisite thinks about his/her life after death.  Note: Image in story created by Lady1Venus. On own site
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: Regrets and realizations upon Nephrite's death
Lonely Villa
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: Nephrite sits alone in his house, contemplating the effect that Naru has had on his life
Over the Stars
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: Nephrite has no regrets
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: Nephrite and Molly's thoughts as they sit together under the tree
Dance Night
Genre: General          Rating: General
Summary: As Lita is dancing with her 'Prince Charming' but actually he's no Prince Charming, she thinks about how it feels to dance with a good-looking man. Note: image in story created by Lady1Venus