A Tragedy that hit the whole World
Tuseday, September 11, 2001
and will be remembered forever

This is such a tragic thing. This is the worse tragedy that North America has had to face. It is worse than when Pearl Harbor was attacked and the Oklahoma bombing.

I can't understand why anyone would want to do this, risk innocent lives because of a grudge to someone.  Many people are effected by this Americans, Canadians and almost all of the countries around the world.

I am Canadian, and what happened on September 11, 2001 reminds me when 220 people died in a Swiss Air crash on the Canadian Waters of Nova Scotia.  It happened on September 3, 1998 about 1am Atlantic Canadian time, that is 12am Eastern time. It was a tradegy that even to this day isn't quite solved as to why it crashed.

We, the people of the world, will remember this day, September 11, 2001 for the rest of our lives. We'll talk about this to our grand kids and so on. This tragedy is even worse than Swiss Air 111.

Tuesday morning I had turned on my TV to watch a movie and what I saw on the news shocked the hell out of me. All I could say was
"Oh My God!".  I watched when the first tower went down and I shed a few tears for the victims families. That night, I slept fine but I kept dreaming about the towers crashing down.

To all you Americans who are the ones probably hurting the most and everyone else who has or had family in New York and the Pentagon, I give my sympathy. My saddness goes out of all the victims and the victims relatives as well as the Trade Center.

One of our Canadian resturants, KFC, had taken donations from people who no longer want their old stuffed animals. These stuffed animals were going to the children of the victims.

Thank you

update by Lady1Venus September 10/02

One year tomorrow, is the day all our lives changed forever! Tomorrow will be a day of grief, sorrow and rememberance. For all you Americans, we Canadians will never forger what happened. Tomorrow on all Canadian TV stations will be a day of remembering. We stand by you as your friend, neighbour and even brothers/sisters.
                                                                                         We, the Canadians, solute you