Here's how to submit a fic

1. email me at: or

2. Send the fic in MS Word format
(If you have MS office 2000 please have saved from the "save type as" under Word 6.0/95 (*.doc) it so that I can open the file on any computer. I upload stories so I have to save it as html format but when emailed I cannot open html)

3. Make sure you have the following:
i) Title
ii) Story (poem, short story, novel)
iii) Genre: (romance, drama, etc)
iv) Rating: (general, PG, etc)
v) Author
vi) your Email
vii) Descricption
viii) Image (gif or jpg)
ix) if you have a website need URL for "visit author's website"

4. No yaoi or yuri (gay or lesbian) unless other wise stated in the Anime or Manga unless it is Malachite and Zoisite or/and Uranus and Neptune (or their Japanese names)

5. I don't allow any fics dealing with rape unless only mentioned that the character has been raped or any other wrong sexual activity

To know how far I will except rape when the characters say "I was raped", "He raped me" and "I was raped by...(who ever the name is)"

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