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ICQ# 339926625

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Welcome to my Web site!

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This site is dedicated to all the girls that desire to have their physical gender altered to properly fit their mental gender. 

On August 25, 2001, I underwent SRS surgery in Bangkok, Thailand with Dr. Pichet Rodchareon. I kept a journal of the trip and also wrote an in-depth dialogue of why I decided to have SRS and the contributing factors that drove me to this logical conclusion. I have also added pictures of the surgery from beginning to end as well as the after surgery results. You will find these links at the top of the pages. Beware of the content, they are extremely graphic in nature and if you have a weak stomach, you may find them to be extremely upsetting. I have also added a play by play journal of my trip for those of you who may be interested in it. As a helpful guide, I wrote a mini biography while I was in Thailand laying flat on my back after surgery. Check it out if you wish, perhaps it will give you an idea as to what drives us to do what we do.

If you have pictures to share, or other helpful links, by all means, please send them to me. I will gladly share the credit with you and provide a link to your site in return for a link to my site from yours. Keep them tasteful please, Yahoo! frowns on pornography of any sort, and if I deem the pictures to be in poor taste, I will not post them. I have another site for that type of photo.  All of the links at the top of the page are active and functioning as they are meant to. Please follow them to wherever they lead. Please check out my sponsors below.

I just added some more resources and links to other important information sites. You will find more surgeons and various sponsors throughout the other pages. If you have other links that you feel should be added to this site, send me an e-mail with the link. 


It has been almost 4 years since my surgery and I have beaten the odds. It has been said by many a professional that the mortality rate for transgendered people following SRS is around 80%. Well, I am here to tell you that I beat the odds with faith in God and in myself. 

To all who read further, I wish you all the best and good luck.


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