A child was just about ready to descend from heaven and all the
angels were in jubilation and when this baby heard that it was he,
sadness over came him and questions followed constantly.

God knowing his mind, asked, what saddens you My child?

I leaving where i am most loved and i really
don't want to go where i don't know.

God said, where I'm sending you, there is an
angel who will care for you like i do and shower
you with love greater then anyone below heaven.

The child smiled.

But i hear that babies like me get hurt down there.

God smiled upon him and said, 
Your angel will protect you with all that she is.

The child then said i will miss you,then asked,
how am i going to be able to contact You?

Your angel will place your hands together and each
of you will pray and at all time I will be next to you.

The child felt warm, yet still had questions, Here in heaven,
there is no sickness, what if i get sick down there?

God said, your angel will make sure you get what is
needed to heal you of the sickness and I will make sure you
recieve the strength, when there is nothing man can do,
and I will honor you with courage to show the world how
much inner beauty you have.

The child really smiled then, because God had
answered a few questions before he asked them.

The child asked, if he can ask one more
question and God said "Yes"!

what is the name of my new this angel?

God said, you will learn her name in time,
but for now, you will call her

The child, looked up with boldness and said, i know i
will come back to You,so i am ready to be raised by
this angel you call