Hgeocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/02geocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/02.htmlelayedxWJ;POKtext/html/;Pb.HSat, 27 Dec 2003 17:56:25 GMTu Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *WJ;P Chapter 2

Grace rolled over and groaned. "Mommy...."

"I... I'll get her," Cass promised and ran to get Emily. "Mommy?"

"Why aren't you dressed for school yet?"

"Mommy, Grace is sick..." Cassidy stayed arm's length away from her mother.

"Oh. Well, get dressed unless you want a smack." Emily got up to go check on Grace.

Cassidy got dressed hurriedly. "Hi, Daddy," she managed, grabbing the cereal.

David nodded in her direction, pouring coffee.

"What's the matter with you?" Emily asked her daughter.

Grace had kicked the sheets off her bed. "I feel icky." she said with a scratchy throat.

Emily put a hand on her forehead. "You're hot. Looks like you're staying home."

Grace looked at her mother. "I'm gonna throw up."

"Not on me. Get to the bathroom." Emily was even benevolent enough to help her daughter to her feet.

"What grade are you in now?" David asked, nursing his hangover with a cup of coffee.

Grace made it to the toilet in time and promptly began throwing up.

"Second," Cassidy said, eating a little bit of her cereal.

"Good. You better get to school. Don't want to be late."

"Come on, you better get back to bed." Emily got a wet rag to help clean her daughter's face.

Grace groaned. "I feel icky..."

Cassidy nodded and grabbed her backpack.


"Bye, Daddy." Cassidy closed the door carefully behind her. She liked Daddy, mostly. He was scary sometimes, but he left her alone.

"And I've got to work. Here. You keep this bowl for puking in and you drink all this water before I get home, you hear me?"

Grace nodded. "Thank you, Mommy."

Emily was oddly touched. Strange, she noted. "You're welcome. Stay in bed." With that, she left.

Grace rolled over and faced the wall. She squeezed her eyes shut in hopes of forcing herself back to sleep. She didn't like being home alone with Daddy.

David walked upstairs on not-quite-steady legs. The door to the other bedroom was open, he noticed. Cassidy lived in there. He peered around the corner to find the other girl in her bed. The other girl. That his wife had had with that bastard. Wordlessly, he walked into the room and grabbed her out of bed, half dragging half carrying her down the stairs and outside.

Grace began to cry. He was holding onto her so hard and it hurt. "Daddy...let me go!" She cried.

"Hush," he said, walking into the shed and slamming the door behind him. He left the lights off.

"Please, daddy, mommy told me to stay in bed." She whimpered.

"You'll be back there," he promised, then slapped her across the face.

Grace froze. What had she done? Why did her Daddy take her into the shed and hit her?

He hit her a few more times - on some level aware she was only six and was sick, which was what kept him from hurting her too badly this first time - and then opened the door. "Back to bed," he said simply, not moving.

Grace didn't move. She found her legs had turned heavy and wouldn't let her. She just stared at the man who had hit her.

He picked her up - carrying her this time - and brought her back in the house and upstairs, putting her in the bed and then leaving the room.

Grace threw up again and started crying into her pillow, in an attempt to muffle the sound.

No one came to her aid this time.

Emily returned hours later; that was how she found Grace when she checked in on her. She went downstairs and threw open the door to David's study. "What the fuck did you do?"

"What's it to you?" David had partially recovered and was working at the computer.

"What the fuck did you do to my daughter?"

He stood. "What's it to you?" He repeated, giving her a look.

"She's my daughter." Emily repeated leaning on the desk slightly. "What did you do?"

"Gave her what should have been yours."

"You bastard." Emily picked up an ashtray and threw it at him.

David grabbed her wrist. "You watch your mouth around me."

Emily snorted.

He let her go. "You'll get yours."


Emily stormed out of the room and up the stairs. Not bothering to knock, she entered the bedroom.


Cassidy was sitting by the bed with a washcloth trying to help Grace clean up.


Cassidy, go downstairs. Emily demanded as she approached the bed.


Cassidy obediently scuttled away and out of the room.


Emily helped Grace sit up. Hold that to your eye, she instructed, indicating the cold washcloth.


What did I do? Grace asked, taking the washcloth and pressing it to her eye.


Davids an asshole, kid, Emily said simply, putting pillows behind Grace for her to lean back on.


Sohe hit me for fun?


Pretty much. You bleeding anywhere?


Not anymore. Grace replied. Cassidy helped me with my arm.


Glad shes good for something.


Do you hit her for fun?


No. I hit her because shes a bitch. You rest now.


Whats a bitch?


A nasty little girl no one wants who doesnt listen to anyone. Rest.


Dont you and daddy want her?


He might, I sure dont.


Do you want me?

Of course I want you. And right now I want you to get better. Rest. Ill come back to check on you.


Is he going to hit me again?


He damn well better not, Emily said firmly.


Thank you mommy, I love you. Grace said, yawning a bit.


Emily paused a moment. Love you too, Grace. Sleep. And with that she left.



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