Hgeocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/journal13geocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/journal13.htmlelayedxnWJ`ow\OKtext/html/w\b.HFri, 09 Jan 2004 19:14:18 GMT Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *nWJw\ journal13

A/N: YAY! Reviewers! Didnt mention them last chapter, so here comes the list...


Marvoless: Thank you!! Hey, *now* youve reviewed, so its all good

oowth: WHOOPS! I did the same thing when I posted it on my site. As much as that would be a plot twist, it is indeed a typo.

Iggie: YAY! See, its not Story of a Cat, but its still good!

Becca Black: Thank you!!! Theres even more Sirius & Lyria in most of my other works, and Im working on a post-PoA fic on the pair of them... Thank you, thank you, thank you again; I *love* Lyria (stole her from an RPG hehe).


And NOW on to the chapter... first part written at a concert... so yeah....



December 29, 1978


This mornings conversation with Lyria was a very scary experience.


So... isnt it great, James and Lily having everything planned out? she asked. We were sitting in the common room again, though this time shed roped me into actually doing homework.


Yeah. Great, I said absently, studying a star chart for Divination for just a moment before randomly tossing down some false predictions.


Im trying to set up post-graduation plans, but its hard. Theres still so much up in the air...


Oh God. Was she hinting? Im against plans. Nope, not planning a thing. Just going to see where things take me. Heck, I dont even plan meals or tomorrows clothes.


Youre afraid I want you to marry me, arent you? Lyria asked pointedly, putting down her book and looking up at me.


My jaw dropped to somewhere around my knees, but she continued.


I dont. I mean, its not that I dont love you or anything, but Im not exactly the wife and mother type, and especially not now.


I scraped my jaw off the floor and gave her an enormous hug.


January 1, 1979


Happy New Year!


James and Lily are *already* planning the wedding. Its rather sick. Lily asked Lyria to be the Maid of Honor this morning (at least I know who Im going to get paired with), and now theyre asking her to help them plan music because shes musically inclined and neither of them are.




January 4, 1979


Back to classes, and for once Im relieved. Maybe Prongs will stop making wedding plans and start complaining and serving detentions like a normal seventeen year old.




Just finished detention. Fistfight with Snape in the hall because he referred to Lyria as the morons little whore. No one calls Lyria such a thing in my hearing and gets away with it, so I lunged at him and proceeded to beat the snot out of him. Of course, it was Prewett who found us, so I got a nice detention with the esteemed Potions Asshole again.


Its nice to have things back to normal.


January 6, 1979


Having a bit of a problem.


Tonights a full moon, and its also the night of my detention with Prewett. Not showing up to detention is enough to get me punished pretty severely, but Prongs cant keep Moony under control on his own. Granted, joining the party late could be perfectly harmless, but if theyre out on the grounds and Im not in my other form yet, Ill get bitten and Moonyd be expelled. Not going at all isnt an option because if it turns out to be a rough evening, theres going to be a werewolf loose in Hogsmeade and that would *definitely* get Moony expelled. Not going to detention, however, is likely to get *me* expelled.


Unless, of course, I think of a way to get out of it.


And maybe tomorrow Ill wake up with wings and a furry tail.


(Okay, scratch the furry tail. I suppose thats possible.)


January 7, 1979


Problem solved courtesy of Miss Lyria Strider and Miss Lily Evans.


Lily takes Advanced Charms, and in her book theres a charm that used to be used by people in Magical Law Enforcement and such that allows you to enchant an object so that anyone carrying it looks like someone else. Lyria borrowed the book for some other charm, learned that one, and served my detention for me. (The girls learned about Moony back in fifth year when we sort of forgot that the Noel Night was the night of the full moon and accidentally stood them up. We had to explain.)


Good thing, too, because last night *was* a difficult night. Moony gave us the slip and we had to chase him down. Dog noses *really* help in that case, by the way, and I strongly suggest them.


January 14, 1979


Anniversary. Forgot how many months. A very long time, anyway.


January 16, 1979


It was 16 months. March is a year and a half. Make note of that, and do not forget, or she is likely to beat you about the head.


January 25, 1979


I found out a little bit about Lyris plans for after graduation today...


So. What are you doing with yourself once you get out of here? I asked. We were serving detention together for Prewett again. (I made fun of her in Potions and she threw a frog brain at me.)


Planning to go right into Auror training, she replied. I had been for a while... and Eryk just sort of made it official. Theres a war going on out there, and Im going to make sure the right people win it.


They will, with you on their side, I told her. Youve got that sort of conviction.


Youre becoming a regular philosopher, Sirius Black, she replied, brushing a stray bit of hair out of my face. It immediately flopped back to where it was.


Not really. Thinking every once in a while doesnt count. Dont worry; Im still lovable, aggravating-as-hell Padfoot.


She laughed and kissed me. Good. I need someone around to aggravate me.


Nice to be appreciated.


A/N: Short, yes, yes I know. I am having writers block... so please, come to me with any suggestions! I know how its going to end but am unsure about what should happen in the meantime (its only January, after all), and nothings happened to stimulate ideas.


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