A beep emitted from Cass's computer.


Cassidy wanted to ignore it, but decided it probably wouldn't be wise.  She got up and walked to the nearby office, the door of which was open.  "Yes, God?"  She called in sardonically.


Aidan smiled at Cass and stood up, pulling something out of his pocket.  He opened the small velvet box, displaying a rather large diamond solitaire.


Cassidy blinked.  "Sir, I'm not sure it's exactly the right time."  She was biting back a grin.


"It's your...costume, so to speak, for your mission.  Ah, and here's the lucky groom."  He laughed as Krit walked in.


Cassidy flashed Krit a smile when he entered.


"Congratulations.  I'm sure you two will have a nice honeymoon."  He plopped the box in Cass's hand.  "You two will be going to Australia.  We have suspicions of a bio-weapon dealer.  He owns a hotel, the same hotel, in fact, that the newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery have chosen to stay at.  Cornelius Montgomery is-"


"Cornelius?"  Krit asked.


"Yes."  Aidan replied.  "Cornelius-"


"Promise not to call you Corny," Cass offered.


"Can't I have a better name?"


"No."  He laughed a little.  "Cornelius Montgomery is a Texan Oil tycoon, and has just taken the beautiful Genevieve DesOiseaux, now Genevieve Montgomery to be his bride."


"How exactly do we come up with these names?"  Cass asked.


"Random computer generations.   Your last name means of the birds."  He laughed.


"Not anymore.  I'm Mrs. Cornelius what’s-his-name now."




"Thought that was it."


"Look these over."  He said, handing them each a file.  "You leave tomorrow at 0700."


Cass nodded. 


"You're dismissed."


The pair left and Cass turned to Krit.  "This could be fun."


"Yeah...it could."  He laughed.


"We get along well enough for this to be fun."


"Yeah...and we can cover the physical parts of it I'm sure."


Cass smiled.  "I'm sure we can.  Just, y'know, for public appearances."




Cass laughed a bit.  This was going to be a good mission.




Aidan tapped on Cass's door, with an unhappy look on his face.


Cass grabbed it, knowing it was Krit.  It was way too early for anyone else to be up... Oh, what a way to start the day.  "Yeah?"


"He's sick.  We're going to have to extend that working truce."


"Wait... what?  No, you can send Cal with you, it'll work fine."


"I don't trust Cal."


"Or Hannah.  Or Scarlett..."


"They're gone.  Another mission.  You ready?"


"Yeah."  Cassidy grabbed her bag, having slid on the ring last night so as to be used to wearing it.


"Come on honey, smile."


"Why don't we discuss that working truce on the way?"  Cass suggested.


"Probably a good plan."


Cassidy sighed.  This wasn't going to be as much fun as she'd hoped.  "Okay.  Look, we're going to have to make this look believable in public, and I can accept that."  Mostly because she didn't want to die on a mission.  They'd established a sort of truce to keep the peace within the unit, but fact was, she still couldn't stand Aidan Callahan.  "But... nothing excessive, huh?"


"Don't flatter yourself."  He said.  "It's purely professional."


"I'm not saying it's not, but I'm saying we've both got people here who we'd rather be going with."


"Yeah well I can tell you for sure that Hannah's not happy about this."


She wanted to say 'Me either,' but refrained from it.  "Can't imagine Krit is, either."


"Yeah well, tough shit."  He said, leading her to the car, a long black limo.


Cass got in, saying nothing.


"From this point on, you and I are rich and in love."


'And I'm in hell.'  Cassidy blocked the thought out.  "Yep."


"So smile."


She plastered a smile to her face.


"Now.  I am going to kiss you.  Do not hit me."


She nodded, knowing the effort was likely to make her sick but consenting anyway.


"Can we not look like we're going to hurl?"


"We're not trying to."


"Am I really that bad?"




"Good."  He said, taking her chin in two of his fingers and pressing his lips gently to hers.


Cassidy let him kiss her.


Slowly Aidan deepened the kiss, ready to pull back if she lashed out.


It took all her willpower to not pull away and shove him away from her.  'For appearances.  For appearances.'  She let him continue.


He pulled away and looked at her.  "Now was that really so bad?"


"It wasn't a bad kiss."


"You would just rather be kissing Agent Lee.  And I would rather be kissing Agent Duvall."




"But we can deal.”


"We're going to have to."


"It's not as bad as you're thinking."


"How is it not as bad as I'm thinking, exactly?"


"I'm not the dick you think I am."


"You don't do a very good job of proving that to me."


"You don’t give me a chance to."


"I assume you're going to be how you always are, yes."


"But honestly, have I been that harsh since we made our agreement?"


"You've improved.  But that's also an entirely work-related situation where we're surrounded by other people."


"Yeah, which means I more likely to be nice to you without them there."


"I'd think it'd work the other way."


"Why?  I have a reputation to uphold with them.”


"Right but they all know about the working truce."


"Exactly.  So I still look like a dick."


“I'll trust you to your faulty logic."


He kissed her cheek.  "You should."


Cassidy blinked.  'Appearances,' she reminded.  "So... was the enormous ring necessary, did it go with the cover, or is it intended for one Agent Duvall?"


Aidan laughed loudly about that.  "Hannah's not getting a ring from me."  He said, "I'm not the marrying type.  No, if we're as rich as we're posing to be, then we have to have all bases covered."


"I figured.  I'm not much the marrying type either.  I don't see myself as Mrs. Anyone for any length of time."


"Hannah knows it too.  But she seems to think she can change it."


"Women can be that way sometimes.  They all seem to have a naive dream of being a housewife, except me and a few others I know of."


"Yeah exactly.  And the fact that I have told her flat out when I've been unfaithful and she still wants to come to my bed is fine with me, but doesn't say much about her."


"No.  It doesn't.  Yet another reason I don't do the exclusive thing."


"Your friend Cal may not know it but it's because of Hannah I turned her down."


"She knows you're with Hannah mostly."


"It's just a little harsh of me to do someone else on the team."


"Agreed.  But it'd get your point across."


"It would."


"Since, after all, you're supposed to be a dick."




"In addition, from what I've heard, to having one."  Cass smirked a bit.  "Sorry, but there are times I can't help myself."


"Don't worry about it.  And I do have one, I promise."


"Good to know."  She was still wearing a smile.


"Now you're acting like a newly married woman."


"God help me."


"God help us all."


They arrived at the airport, and Cassidy turned to him.


He smiled as he helped her out.  "Here we go, love."  He murmured, kissing her hand as he led her into the airport, men behind him, carrying their bags.


"Thank you."  Cassidy smiled coyly at him.


Aidan smiled; they made a cute couple in a way.  They boarded, sitting down comfortably in the leather seats of first class.  He pushed up the armrest and wrapped an arm around her, burying his nose in her hair.  "We have to assume we're being watched at every second."  He whispered.


"As most likely, we are," she replied just as quietly, closing her eyes.


He kissed her cheek, then turned her head to him and kissed her again.  "I love you."


Cassidy smiled and leaned in to kiss him.


He met her lips, yes, this ploy would work fine.  He pulled away as the stewardess came up.  "Yes, I'd like a glass of white wine, and my wife would like the same.  Thanks."  He said.


She placed a hand on his leg.


"It won’t be as good as what you get at home, Mrs. Montgomery, but it will have to do."  He kissed her neck gently.


She laughed softly.  "I'm certain it'll be fine, Cornelius."


'Damn that stupid name.' Aidan thought.  "Nothing is good enough for you, my love."


She was smiling at him.  This *did* actually have the potential to be interesting... because he couldn't publicly yell at her, after all.  She ran her hand farther up his leg.  "You're always such a charmer."


Aidan went back to placing small kisses on her neck.  "I speak only the truth and you know it."


Cassidy smiled.  "A very flattering truth, then."  Her hand still glided slowly along his leg.


"I still don’t think I'm good enough for you even."


"Maybe you aren't," she said, with a slight laugh.  "I think you are."


"I'm a boring rich man but thank you."


"Hardly boring."


"But very rich."


"That you are."  She kissed him again, hand still occupied.


"What are you doing?"  He laughed softly.


"Oh, nothing."  She smiled innocently.


"That doesn't seem like nothing to me."


"Oh it doesn't?"  Oh God, why did she have to be such a whore?


"No it really doesn't."


"Well if you really mind I'll stop."


"I don't." Aidan was amused and wondered how far she'd actually take this.


"Good."  She smiled and leaned close to whisper to him.  "Well there's the proof, you have actually got a dick."


Aidan kissed her, with a little more desire than he should be feeling.


Cassidy kissed back this time, not just letting him but actively participating. 


Aidan's fingers laced into her hair as he pulled her closer.


Cassidy kept kissing him, acting almost instinctively.  "I'm going to wind up in your lap," she said between kisses. 


"I don't care."  He whispered, wanting her closer.


She settled herself there, still kissing him.


His hands slid down her back, to a place he really should be shot for touching.  He'd always thought she had a nice ass...


"Mmm."  Cassidy didn't stop him.


"God Ca-"  He squeezed his eyes shut.  "Gen," he corrected.


She smiled, kissing his neck. 


"Okay...baby we're on the plane..."


"I know.  No more right now."  She smiled.


"Back to your seat before I take you right here."


She smiled.  "Yes sir."


He kissed her once more, wondering why the hell he was so turned on.  The ride was a long one and it took him awhile to...calm down.


Cass reached over to hold his hand in the cutesy newlywed fashion they'd operated in before.  She'd done too much teasing, and not just of him but herself. 


Aidan finally decided to lay his head back and sleep.  He needed to not think about her and how it felt to kiss her.


Cassidy decided to read, having tossed a book into her carry-on in case she'd needed an excuse to not talk to him.




"Yes.  Reservation for Montgomery?"  Aidan said, his arm wrapped around Cassidy's waist.


Genevieve was content to be guided around, but Cassidy was not, though she was hiding it well.


They were given their key and he smiled, bringing her into the elevator.  "I know you don't like this but please play along."  He whispered.


"That's the plan," she whispered back, then kissed his cheek.


He kissed her gently and then winked.


She laughed, and it honestly was Cassidy laughing.  This was absurd.


He hugged her tenderly.  "Just think how happy this will make you."


"Very, very happy."  She forced a smile.




The days passed and Aidan and Cass performed well, though how much of it was acting he wasn't all together sure.  Then he got contacted.  They had most of their information already and were to leave in two days.  But not anymore.  He sighed and looked at Cass.  "Hey Gen, how would you like to extend our trip?"


"What happened?"


He pulled her close, not trusting the safety of the bedroom even.  "Problems with the IMF, we're not allowed to come back yet."


She nodded.  "Alright."


"They said we're gonna be here for...an indeterminable amount of time."


"They'll call us when we can come back."  Cassidy suddenly noticed how close they were.  "You don't trust anything, do you?"


"No.  Not anymore.  They hardly told me anything and I’m a little scared."


"Now there's something I NEVER thought you'd say."


"Yeah don't gloat."  He sighed, resting his forehead on hers.


"Of course not." 


"I'm serious."


"I am too.  For once.  First and last time, don’t get used to it."


"Good."  He said.  He pulled back.  "Well then we’ll stay."


Cassidy forced a smile.




Aidan laughed as he shut the door behind him. "We're brilliant."  He smiled.  He locked the bolt and turned to Cass, hugging her.  "We make a great team."


"Seems like we do."  She agreed, grinning widely.


He smiled at her and then...kissed her.


Cassidy's response was instinctive, exactly as they'd done publicly for the entire time... but then she realized they were no longer in the public eye.  Not that it stopped her.


He slid her coat to the floor and pulled her closer, knowing that this was no longer a charade but not caring.  He hadn't done anything with anyone for the three weeks they'd been in Australia, and damn but she'd been pushing him.


Cassidy wasn't sure she'd gone so long since she'd split with Spencer, and even though under normal circumstances she'd have rather shot herself than sleep with him, the isolation had done strange things to her and it wasn’t as if a supposedly married woman could go pick up a guy.  She kissed his neck, arms around him.


"Cass...I want you." He murmured against her neck.


"Mmm... yeah, I noticed..."


"And if you tell me no I may cry."


Cassidy kissed him deeply.  "You really think I'm going to say no?"  She considered a moment then reached down below his belt.  "Forgive me for being forward."


"Oh I definitely forgive you. And yeah, I thought you might."  He decided to shut up before she changed her mind.


"Not me.  I'm a whore."


"Lucky me."  He smiled.


"Lucky you," she agreed, pulling him to the bed.




Cassidy woke up.  Funny, she didn't remember Krit coming to bed... no matter.  She leaned over and kissed him firmly.


Aidan returned the kiss and then pulled back.  Wait what..."Hey."


Cass opened her eyes and just barely suppressed a shriek.  "Hi..."  She buried her face in her pillow.  How horny *had* she been?!?


"And this isn't awkward." He laughed and stood up.  "Keep your head there while I get dressed."


"Yeah," came the muffled response.


He grabbed clothes and went to take a shower.  God that had been some damn good sex, but...well...it was Cassidy.


Cassidy wrapped herself in the blanket from the bed and sat up.  Yes, he was good in bed, but... she shuddered. He was still most definitely Aidan Callahan.


He knocked from the bathroom.  "Is it safe for me to come out?"


"Yeah, I'm not dressed yet but I'm covered."


"Cool."  He said, walking back into the room.  "This isn't going to make things odd between us is it?"


"Because you're the first guy with whom I've ever done something casually?  We're fine."


"Just no more comments on me having a small dick.  You know it's not true now."


"No, it's not," she agreed.  "And you know what to do with it."


"Indeed I do."


"That's the best compliment you're getting, besides a thanks that was fun."


"I'm not asking for compliments."


"Then be astounded that I gave you one all on my own."


"I am."


"And you think I'm a snotty bitch."






"No.  You're nice to guys that you've fucked."


"Not all of them.  There's one I'd like very much to see dead."


"Well yes, but that's why you're so valuable to me."


"Nice to know what I'm good for."


"You're very, very good at the things you choose to be."


"Well if we get totally stuck and astoundingly horny we now know we won't die if we fuck."


"We also know we'll have fun doing it."


"Yeah... and to think, I didn't think I'd ever fuck you when I was sober."


"But you did.  And you enjoyed it.  Immensely."


"Yeah and so did you, so don't flatter yourself."


"I got to see you naked."


"Join the club, I hear they got jackets."


"You're hot."


"Thank you.  So I hear.  And also read on most bathroom walls…"


"You going to get dressed?"


"Guess I should, huh?  Shower, dress."  Cassidy reached for clothes, accidentally letting the blanket slip but quickly picking it up.


Aidan smiled.  "Don't worry about modesty."


"You just want me to tromp around bareass, don't you?"




Cassidy shrugged and dropped the blanket, headed for the bathroom.


Aidan laughed, his eyes on her.  "You're funny."


"I'm comfortable with me.  Completely so.  And I think that anyone who's not can kiss my ass."  Cassidy flashed him a grin and turned on the shower, leaving the door open.


"You're tempting me Cass."


"I told you, I'm a whore," she called.


"Yeah but I think if I came in there right now you'd be mean."


"Nah.  No more than usual."


"Which means you wouldn't fuck me."


Cassidy turned, giving him a look.  "You want to find out?  Because I'm just thinking, the right kisses and you might wind up pleasantly surprised."


Aidan smiled.  He could end up really embarrassed here, but was tempted.  He walked into the bathroom and pulled off his shirt.  "Oh really?"


"Really," she replied, reaching out and placing a hand on his bare chest.


Alright, he had to try.  He dropped trow and climbed into the shower, standing behind her and kissing her neck.


Cassidy leaned back against him.  "Mmm.  That's it."


"I can honestly say that you are the best I've had in a loooooong time."  He whispered in her ear before nibbling on it.


"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."


"Are you?"


"Very much so.  You know... your girlfriend won't like this if she ever finds out."  She said after a moment.


"Yeah well, neither will your boy toy."


"Agreed," she said cheerfully, then turned around to press against him and kiss him firmly.  "But that's okay."


"Yeah I think so too..."  He said, kissing her again.


"You going to fuck me or does a girl have to do all the work around here?"  She teased.


And he did, right there in the shower.


To The Next Part