Hgeocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/life22.htmlgeocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/life22.htmlelayedxWJOKtext/html/b.HTue, 29 Jul 2003 20:30:27 GMT Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *WJ Cassidy

Cassidy woke up to find Cal was already in the room. "Hi."


She spent a moment orienting herself and then sat bolt upright. "I'm getting married. If he'll still marry me. Oh, God, what if he changes his mind?"

"He didn't."

"I'm going to be sick."

No...no dont be sick."

I can't really help it!"

"I know..."

"Between the baby and this... I just...."

"Shhh...just calm down okay?"

"Yeah..." Cass smiled a bit.

"Alright..."  About an hour later Cass was fully ready.

Cass turned around in the full-length mirror.  "Oh wow... is it me?"

"Yeah...it is..."  Cal said, pulling on her own dress.

"Hey, you look good yourself," Cass said.

"Yeah thanks."  She laughed a little.  "Think James'll like it?"

"I do," Cass said, suddenly having to stop herself from crying.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... I just... I'm marrying the man I love more than anything and I'm carrying

someone else's child."

"Shhh...dont think about that today."

She nodded.

"I guess it's time to go get me married."


"Let's go."  Cassidy opened the door out into the hall.

"This castle is gorgeous."

"I know... I can't help but wonder how many more of them he's got hidden away somewhere."  Cass smiled.

"Probably like fifty."

She laughed, then grew slightly more serious.  "He's a good man."

"He is...."

Cass peeked down the stairs.  "Your turn."

"Alright...you sure you're ready?"

"Yeah."  Cass smiled.

Cal walked downstairs and saw James.  "She's ready."

James nodded.  "You look incredible."

"Thanks."  She kissed him softly.  "Let's get this party started...and you and I can have our own party afterwards."

James smiled and they stepped into place as the guests stood for Cass to enter.

Cal got Cass and then she walked down the aisle in front of her friend.  Seeing James standing there gave her a small pang of...longing?  She stopped and turned, watching for Cass.

Cassidy took one step almost hesitantly, but the rest were easier, and she was soon standing by Garrett's side.

Garrett took her arm, standing in shock.  She looked like an angel...

The ceremony flew by for Cass.  One minute she was looking up an aisle that certainly hadn't seemed that long the night before, the next they were being led through their vows.

"I now pronounce you man and wife."

Garrett lifted her veil and then kissed her softly.

Cassidy gently kissed back for all too brief a moment.

"I love you."

"I love you, Garrett."


"Are you ready to leave, Mrs. Spencer?"

"Yes... you just..."  She kissed him firmly.

Garrett laughed.  "Yes I did just."

"You're the first one to call me that."

"I should be."

"I guess so."  She smiled.

"You're my wife."

"I am," she agreed.  "And I am very, very happy to be your wife."

"I'm very very happy you are..."

She kissed him.  "I'm going to need help with the getting out of this dress later."

"I'd love to help."

"I was hoping you wouldn't mind."

"Not a bit."

"You're a very handsome man all dressed up."

"You're a beautiful woman undressed."

She laughed a bit.  "Then take me someplace where you can undress me, if you're thinking with that part of your anatomy."

"Not yet."  He laughed.  "Come on...time for me to sweep you off of your feet."

She smiled.  "Let's go."

They were soon on his private jet.  "The wedding was beautiful."

"I was afraid you weren't going to like the dress."

"I love the dress."

"I'm glad."

"You're the most beautiful woman in the world.

"I wouldn't go that far," Cass said, one hand on his face.

"You are."

Cass blushed just slightly.

"Thank you."

"What for?"

"Making me the happiest man alive."

"Garrett..." She kissed him.



"It was a nice ceremony," James said, one arm around Cal as he escorted her back


"Yeah...it was...it made me think sappy thoughts."

"I think that's what they're for."

"Maybe.  Just...well, nevermind."

"No, what?"

"It was kind of nice seeing you standing there."

"Well... thank you."

"Maybe I could love you after all.

"You think?"


James smiled a bit and unlocked her door for her.

"You coming in?"

"If you want me to."

"I do."

"Then yes, I am."  He kissed her.

"Good."  She led him inside, shutting the door.  "Do you realize we have this place to


"We do, actually."  He grinned widely.

"That's really cool."

"Isn't it?  A whole little castle all to ourselves."

"I feel like a Princess."

"You are."

"Am I?"

"You're my princess."

"You're too nice to me."

"I'm not, I swear."

"Truly you are."

He kissed her.

She kissed him back.  "Why me, James?  You could have any woman in the world and

you know it."

"I love you."

"You keep saying that...and I just dont see why."

"Because you're you.  Because you're fun and beautiful and talented and sincere."

"I'm a bitch."

"I'm okay with that too," James said with a slight laugh.

Cal unzipped her dress.  "I know you are...but I don't get it.  I mean...how can you still love me when I can't say it back?"

"I just do."

She dropped the dress to the floor.  "Do you think I love you?"

"I don't want to make that assumption.  But if you do, you'll tell me when you're ready."


He kissed her softly.

She kissed him back.  "That suit needs to come off."

"I think so," he agreed.


Garrett stared down at her and then got up and walked across the room.



"Are you okay?"  Cass asked, sitting up.


"You're not."  And she knew why.

"I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry... I..."  She looked down.

"You didn't do it on purpose."

"But it's my fault..."

"No it's not."



"I... What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know!"

"I know this is - awkward, but..."


"I love you.  I want you."

"I love you too...and I want you...but...well....another man's baby is in there!"


"Come here," she said, gently patting the bed next to her.

Garrett sat down.

She gently smoothed his hair.  "I don't care.  I care about *you.*  And the baby neither

knows or cares."

"I know..."

"And I know you know and you care, and it's... strangely cute that you do, but I really

wish you didn't." 

"I know."

She kissed him softly, trying to think of some angle to take that would make him more comfortable with this.  "Claim me back, Garrett.  Please."


She could have screamed.  "It's okay," she soothed.

"No it's not..."  He looked at her and then fairly pounced on her, kissing her deeply.

"Mmm... I love you."  Well, that was a welcome surprise.

"I love you too."

To The Next Part