Hgeocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/order1.htmgeocities.com/lashapadfootofgondor916/order1.htmdelayedxWJh|OKtext/htmlxh|b.HTue, 06 Jan 2004 19:26:17 GMT Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *WJh| Chapter 1

"Professor? I don't mean to be rude, but where are we going?" Lyndell Black asked as Dumbledore escorted her out of St. Mungo's hospital. After being locked up in there for 14 years, Lyndell was admittedly happy to be free, but also immensely confused.


"You'll be spending about a week and a half with Severus Snape, he'll clear things up for you before you come to headquarters for the Order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore told her. "You have quite a bit to absorb, Lyndell," he said kindly.


"Why can't Remus help me absorb whatever it is I need to? Why does it have to be him?"


"Because he's doing something else for me right now. I think you'll appreciate the quiet."


Lyndell nodded, still a bit confused. "Professor...I don't understand... why all of a sudden, I'm fine."


"We don't either, but you seem to be on the mend. And I must say I'm glad to hear it."


She nodded, wanting to ask about her brother, but not wanting to know the answer. "Was Sirius convicted?"


"Yes... but... things are complicated, Lyndell." Dumbledore said simply.




"He was innocent, he escaped from Azkaban and now... I don't know that now is the time to tell you."


"Afraid the news will send me back?"


"Perhaps it would."


"But if he's innocent..." She trailed off, still trying to piece together what she knew to fill the gaps.


"I'm certain Severus will help you fill in the details," Dumbledore told her as they arrived.


"Thank you, Professor."


"You're entirely welcome, Lyndell." He smiled as Snape got the door. "Thank you, Severus." And with that, the headmaster was gone.


Lyndell looked at Snape. "Hello." she said flatly.


"You can come in. Standing on the doorstep will attract attention."


"Because we all know how many death eaters are staking out your house looking for the insane sister of Sirius Black, right?"


"Sit down. You have a lot to learn about the world right now and about a week to learn it."


"And I'm sure you'll be giving me the unbiased version too."




Lyndell looked around the room and found the most comfortable chair in the room to sit down in.


He sat as far away as he could in order for them to still hold some sort of conversation. "And as for your brother... he's dead."


Lyndell jumped to her feet. "You're lying. Dumbledore said he'd escaped Azkaban. Sirius isn't dead. You're nothing more than a lying lackey of the Dark Lord's."


"I'm no lackey to the dark lord anymore. And I haven't been in a very, very long time. Remember something, Lyndell Black: You only know what I choose to tell you."


"I still don't believe you." She sat back down. "Sirius wouldn't die without telling me first."


Severus muttered something which sounded suspiciously like "stupid Gryffindor," but kept most of his comments to himself. "He's dead. And Dumbledore didn't want to tell you because he imagined you'd wind up right back at St. Mungo's."


"He's not." Lyndell insisted. "What else are you supposed to be telling me about what's been going on? Or are you just going to keep it to yourself and tell me more lies?"


He could have replied with many many sharp comments, but for once chose not to. "What do you last remember?"




She walked through the door without ringing the bell; it had been a long time, but Lyria still remembered. She pulled her hood off and hung her cloak up before heading to the kitchen, where she judged the voices were coming from.


"Have you heard from Harry lately?" Remus asked Arthur Weasley.


"He and Ron have been writing, of course, but Ron insists it doesn't seem like anything's the matter," Mr. Weasley replied as Lyria entered the room.


"Well, either Harry's a very talented actor, or Ron isn't--" Remus stopped when someone else entered the room. Someone new. He turned and almost couldn't believe his eyes. "Lyria?"


"I believe so," Lyria replied. "Last time I checked, anyway."


Remus just stared. It had been so long...he snapped out of his reverie when Arthur cleared his throat. "Right...Arthur Weasley, this is Lyria Strider."


"I've heard nothing but good about you from Professor Dumbledore," Lyria said pleasantly. "It's nice to finally meet you."


"The same to you," Arthur replied, glancing at Remus. "I'm going to go see what Molly's up to... let you two chat," he said, getting up and leaving the room.


Once Arthur had left the room, Remus seemed to be looking everywhere except at Lyria.


"I'm not going to disappear just because you're pretending I'm not here."


"Why *are* you here? Why did you even bother coming now? After it's too late?"


"As far as I can tell, the war's just started," Lyria said, raising an eyebrow. "I'd hate to think you were *that* pessimistic... Dumbledore just owled a week ago; he was afraid what with my family's work with the Ministry that the wrong person would get the letter... I may not have any love for Cornelius Fudge and his ways, but others do."


Remus shook his head. "You shouldn't be here. Why show up after the battle at the department of Mysteries? You know, he was hoping you would show up before. He never said anything, but I could tell." Remus stood up, suddenly feeling angry. She'd waited until now to come back into their lives. After getting somewhat better after Sirius's death, although Remus was sure he'd never be the same after witnessing the death of his best friend, there stood the one reminder he didn't want to see.


"Remus, stop talking as if I'm omniscient. I have plenty of talents, but I don't know everything, and right now I have no idea what the bloody hell you're talking about. *Who* wanted me to show up before?"


"Who the hell do you think? Don't tell me you really have become dumber after working at the Ministry. If they'd acted sooner, and recognized Voldemort was back, maybe Sirius'd still be alive!!"


Her expression hardened. "As far as I can tell, he was a murderer and a traitor... if he's dead it's no real loss."


Remus looked as if she'd just slapped him. "Sirius was *not* a murderer." He sighed. "Sit down. Apparently you're more out of the loop than I thought."



Lyndell sighed. "The last...conscious thought....I remember hearing about Voldemort being destroyed by Lily's son, Harry... and they were saying Sirius killed James and Lily."


"I don't think destroyed was exactly the right word... he's come back. It started five years ago, when Potter arrived at Hogwarts... he's gotten stronger... two years ago he returned to human form. The Ministry refused to believe it, of course... It's only been a few weeks since they've realized the truth."


"But...what does any of that have to do with my brother?"


"He was Potter's godfather, which I'm certain you knew... when Voldemort lured the boy into the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry building, your brother went after him and got himself killed."


"Sirius is really dead? This isn't some sort of stunt to throw the people tracking him off his trail? If he escaped from Azkaban, I'd imagine there'd have to be *some* kind of search party looking for him innocent or not."


"There was. But the Ministry wound up with a bigger problem keeping people quiet about Voldemort. There were a few Aurors on the case these past two years, but I imagine they fairly gave up. Right after he escaped, of course, everyone was searching."


"Professor Dumbledore restarted the Order, didn't he? I mean, that's why you are telling me what's happened, right?"


"Yes. It's been meeting, conveniently enough, in your old house. Which is why you're here rather than there."


"What about everyone else? What's happened to them?"


"Who do you mean by everyone else?"


"Well, let's see, James and Lily, and my brother are all dead, so let's try Lyria and Remus."


"Lupin's still about, screaming and howling once every lunar cycle. As for Strider, I haven't seen her in longer than you have, and I can't say that I care to. Dumbledore said something about owling her."


"And you? Are you still scuttling around in the shadows for Dumbledore, or have you finally become brave enough to acknowledge your loyalties?"


"I collect information but I don't associate with the inner circle."


"What's the matter, Snivellus? Afraid to stand up to the Dark Lord?"


"I'm not much good to Dumbledore dead. Of course, *you* aren't much good alive, so I imagine you'll understand."


Lyndell, remembering for a second she didn't have a wand anymore, fairly lunged at him. "I despise you."


He restrained her after a moment. "And I loathe you myself. I'm going upstairs. You can feel free to make yourself comfortable in any of the downstairs bedrooms."


"Not that it'd be possible." She retorted. "But it'll be a pleasure to get out of your filthy presence."


He turned around coolly. "Good night." And with that he was gone.




"... And then Bellatrix Lestrange fired a curse at Sirius...." he hesitated. "Sirius fell behind the veil in the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry building. He didn't come back out."


Lyria was silent a moment, not sure how to respond. "Thank you for telling me...."


"Don't thank me. I'm only telling you what you should know." He stood up.


"That doesn't make it easier for you to tell. I..." She looked up, watering up slightly.


"No, it doesn't. And no matter how many times the events of that night are told, it doesn't make it any easier to accept."


A single tear escaped her. "It's not fair... not that anything ever is, but..." She hastily wiped it away.


"It's my fault. I should have made him stay behind. We all knew it was a trap, I should have made him stay."


"Not just that. But... nevermind, you don't need a soppy yarn of mush from me at the moment. He wouldn't blame you, you know that... and he'd rather--" Lyria cut herself off, not caring to finish the sentence.


"Don't go pretending you care just because he's dead. Not ten minutes ago you were glad he was gone."


She stopped suddenly, looking up at him. The sadness was gone, replaced by anger (perhaps more accurately, suppressed rage). "You're a horse's arse, Remus Lupin, you know that?" She stomped out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind her.


"YOU TRAITOROUS FIENDS!!! YOU WILL ALL DIE NASTY, HORRIBLE DEATHS!" Came the awakened shrieking from the portrait on the wall. "YOU NASTY, TRAITOROUS HAG --"


The portrait of Sirius' mother had found a rival temper in Lyria, however. "Shut *UP*, you nasty bitch, you don't even *care* that he's gone, you'd probably be glad!" She whipped out her wand, full well prepared to light the damned portrait on fire.


"Harry, you don't know how worried mum was starting--" Ron Weasley stopped half way down the stairs. "Who is she?" He pointed to the woman in front of the portrait.


"Dunno," Harry replied rather halfheartedly.


"Lyria, somehow I think Dumbledore'd be displeased if you lit our headquarters on fire." Remus said calmly, taking her wand from her.


"You give me that back," Lyria hissed, a warning in her tone, as Remus struggled with the curtains.


Remus turned back to her. "Not until you stop your arson attempts on Sirius's house."


"Not his house, just his mother." Lyria smiled sweetly, but the smile vanished. "Give it back or when I *do* get it back, you're going to be a very sorry werewolf."


"Take the damned thing back." Remus threw it on the floor. "And you can get the hell out for all I care." He said angrily. "Hullo Harry, how was your trip?" he asked, noticing the boys on the stairs.


"Er - fine. Professor Lupin... who's that?" Harry asked, looking from Remus to Lyria.


Lyria pulled the curtains closed and picked up her wand, shooting Remus a dark look.


"Auror Strider. Dumbledore felt we could use some more help...give me all the dark looks you want, Lyria, but if you try anything, *you* will be the one who's sorry next full moon." Remus muttered to her.


Lyria smiled, but there was no warmth in her expression. "We'll see."


Remus simply shook his head and turned his attention to Harry, making no notice as she brushed past them. "How are you doing?"


"Alright," Harry replied. "Er - do you and she know each other?"


"Is she dangerous?" Ron asked.


"Only if she doesn't like you, she is. And we did know each other, once." Remus answered both their questions. "A very long time ago."



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