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"Remus, may I have a moment?" Dumbledore called from the doorway.

"Of course, Professor." Remus went into the next room.

"I'm bringing a student here, and I need you to look after him."

"Which student, sir?"

Dumbledore inclined his head slightly. "This particular student would be much safer here than at Hogwarts or his own home."

"Which student?" Remus repeated, with a sinking feeling that he knew.

"Young Mr. Malfoy."

"I'll do what I can," Remus said quietly.

Dumbledore nodded. "I am confident you will, Remus."

"When should we expect him?"

"This very afternoon."

"Then we'd best get things settled."

Dumbledore nodded. "I shall go gather Mr. Malfoy."

Remus headed upstairs. "Dell?"

"Yeah?" She met him halfway on the stairs.

"We're... having a houseguest."

"What kind of guest?"

"The Draco Malfoy kind."

"Draco Malfoy -- why?"

"Dumbledore just said he wasn't safe at his home. You know Lucius as well as I do."

Lyndell nodded. "For how long, Remus?"

"He didn't say. And I... didn't really think it appropriate to ask."

Lyndell nodded. "Alright... but... why here? I understand why Dumbledore's sending him to you, but wouldn't he be safer from Lucius at Sirius's house?"

"We can't trust him in headquarters just yet."


"If it gets messy we'll move him there."

"Or we could hide him in the basement." Lyndell pointed out.

"If it gets messier than that."

"Lucius wouldn't be able to find him if he's in the basement, Remus."

"Wouldn't stop him from causing damage, and one of us would have to stay upstairs."

"I'd stay."

"You certainly would not. That's not the point, we need to set things up for him... let's not tell him Lyria and Sirius spent their honeymoon in our guestroom."


"Dumbledore will be back with him this afternoon..."

"We can be ready."




Remus opened the door with a moment's anxiety.

Draco peered up at the man precariously.  "Professor Lupin."

"Come on in, Draco."

"Thank you." He stepped through the door, trying his best to hide the slight limp of his left leg.

"How are you healing?"

"I don't know.  It's not like I've ever been bitten by a werewolf before."

"Clearly not.  I'll take a look at it later if you'd like."

"If you feel the need."

"I think it might be wise."


Draco looked around the hall and turned back to Remus.  "My father...won't...I'm sure Dumbledore informed you...."

"I'm aware of the situation, yes," Remus said quietly.  "And... while I understand that you blame me... if you wish to speak to me about it, please don't hesitate."

Draco nodded.  

"And I believe I owe you an apology for all that's happened."

"I shouldn't have taunted you."

"I know you haven't faced a transformation yet... if you have questions..."

"I want to get rid of it."

"I wish there was a way to do that."

"Well I want a way."

"So do I.  And I have since I was four years old."


"Yes.  I was four years old when I was bitten."

"Bloody hell..." Draco muttered.

"It hasn't been pleasant."

"Well I never expected it to be bloody roses."

"It's been hell," Remus told him flatly.

Draco nodded.  "I won't have to associate myself with Potter, will I?"

"Not for now."


"I'll help you adjust to this all however I can."

Draco simply nodded.  "That's kind of you."

"It's the least I can do."

Draco nodded.

"You *will* be alright... as much as it doesn't seem like it now.  Let's get you settled upstairs."

"Very well."

"Would you like me to carry anything?"

"My bags carry themselves, thank you."

Remus bit his lip but said nothing, simply leading the way upstairs.

Draco followed him, taking in the new surroundings.

Remus showed him the room.  "It's certainly not quite like your home."

"No, it's not.  But it'll do." Draco entered the rooms and the bags followed, setting themselves on the floor.

"You're welcome to explore.  Lyndell and I will both be about."

"Thank you.  I think I'd be better to get myself settled in first."

"Most likely.  If you need anything let us know."  Remus left the boy to his own devices.

Draco sat on the bed and sighed.  Definitely a grade lower than he was used to...but if it meant staying alive, he'd take it.

~*~*~* ~

Draco groaned as he tried to get off the floor.  He'd never felt this awfully sick before....

There was a knock at the door.

Draco groaned again and struggled to sit up.  "Yes?"

Remus entered the room carefully. "How are you feeling?"

"Like something a dragon chewed up and then set on fire."

"Do you want to know what's going to happen?"  Remus sat on the bed.

"Does it get worse?"

"As the day wears on, yes.  Until about midafternoon... then it'll be time to get you downstairs."


"To the basement.  It's best for all parties concerned if we're both kept contained while we're dangerous."

"Won't we be able to just break through the door?"

"It magically seals itself, and it's lined on the side toward the cellar with silver... you haven't noticed the reaction to silver yet, have you?"

Draco shook his head.  "Then how do we get out?"

"It opens after sunrise.  Though tomorrow morning you'll find you don't feel your finest... you may not want to come upstairs immediately."

"Why not?"

"Transforming takes up a great deal of energy, and it's painful."


"Particularly the first time."

Draco winced slightly.

"I can't pretend it will be comfortable for you.  The best I can advise is to rest as much as you can today."

"How am I supposed to rest in this much pain?"

"Just don't strain yourself.  You *will* get used to it eventually."

Draco snorted a bit.  

"I'm out of bed, aren't I?"  Remus pointed out.

"You've probably taken some kind of potion."

"No.  I try not to trouble Professor Snape when I don't have to."

"I saw that room downstairs next to the kitchen.  You've got more potion bottles than you know what to do with."

"The only potion that's of use doesn't keep very well."

"Why not?"

"It's highly reactive.  Also, it smokes."


"Yes.  It lets off smoke.  And doesn't taste splendid either."

"Does it help?"

"Not with the pain..."  Remus paused.  "When you wake up in the morning... you won't remember very well what happened overnight.  The potion simply
helps you keep your mind... it's best used if you've a chance of encountering people."

"And I'm sure you've used it plenty of times."

"Yes.  The entire time when I was a professor, for example."

Draco nodded.

"For tonight, we'll be on our own, I'm afraid."

"On our own?"

"No potions.  Just locked up until we're safe."

"And when are we deemed safe?"


Draco nodded.  

"You should eat something."

"I can't even move.   How the hell am I supposed to eat?"

"Do you want something brought up?"

Draco shrugged.  "It doesn't matter."

"You'll care more later," Remus warned, then sighed.  "But it's about time to head downstairs before it gets dark."

"Alright." Draco followed him downstairs.  

Lyndell looked up when the two of them entered the kitchen.  "There's some venison down there." She said as she got up.

"Always thinking, dear."  Remus gave her a quick kiss.  "Thank you.  I'll see you in the morning."

"Sunrise..." She said quietly, shutting the basement door behind them.

Remus led Draco the rest of the way downstairs.  "You're in for a long night."

"So you've told me."

"Have a seat."

Draco sat.

"Is there anything else you care to know?"

Draco shrugged.  "I don't know."

"Alright."  And the pair settled in to wait.

"How long?"

"Not long at all.  You'll know."

"What does it feel like?"

"It starts with shaking."

"Shaking? What else?"

"And then the pain kicks in.  It's hard to know precisely what happens after that."

Draco nodded.  


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